My Sacred Agreement

My Sacred Agreement

Copyright 2016 Nouk Sanchez  Ahhh, the agony of self-doubt. I am humbled once again…on my knees, tears trickling down my cheeks. The ego is freaked out yet I recognize the real value beneath this feeling coming forth. I know that in my breaking down there is always a...

Quarantine and Miracles

By Daniel Boissevain and Nouk Sanchez (2016) Nouk and I (Daniel) have had a few things to deal with regarding making changes in preparation to pave the way for 2016. Thank you all for your patience, allow me to explain further. As you may know by now, Nouk has begun a...

Busting the Scarcity Myth

Copyright 2013 Nouk Sanchez God’s Love as our Holy Self, is infinitely powerful, bountiful and limitless. Yet when we unknowingly choose to express that power in a mis-creative way via the ego, we will appear to see and experience the opposite: weakness,...
Receiving Abundance

Receiving Abundance

Through the ego we believe we know the specific “forms” of that which we think will make us feel happy, loved, secure, and healthy. Yet the truth is that when we, apart from Spirit, decide the particular form that our desire should take, we will lose the understanding...