What is the Holy Relationship Journey?
Holy Relationship Journey (HRJ) – Jesus teaches unequivocally in A Course in Miracles that the Holy Relationship is the fast track to awakening and the means by which to transcend the ego’s highly defended obstacles to peace (Love). Author and teacher, Nouk Sanchez, illustrates and emphasizes with laser-like precision just how the Holy Relationship transcends all ego defenses in the bestseller, A Manual for Holy Relationship. In this manual, she has generously harvested powerful quotes from the Course on the Holy Relationship, as well as given us personal examples from her journey from special to Holy Relationship. Step by step, the undeniable requirement for this “Holy Grail” is laid out and illuminated before us. Every sincere student of A Course in Miracles will want to not just read but deeply study and contemplate these teachings for themselves. Take Me to Truth offers freely a rich library of recordings from our family’s live gatherings where we read the material and discuss its meaning and practical application to our daily lives. Amid tears and laughter, each participant will certainly experience many of the Holy Instants and “aha” moments with us as they watch these profound, learning videos. We are so pleased to be able to offer these to those who are called, and offer our thanks for their willingness to embark on the final phase over the bridge to freedom – the Real World.
No matter what and no matter who seems to come between us,
let us never abandon each other.
What you’ll learn
Fear of union is our only problem
Two minds joined in Truth and Love close all gaps
All defenses are blocks to the miracle impulse as Love’s extension
Special vs. Holy relating – fall in Love with your Holy Self
Sex vs. true intimacy – accessing true joining and its healing effects
Why Holy Relationship is the means to awaken from the dream
Why Truth and Love heal every illusion
How to use the Body for Loving communication
The Miracle of the shared goal of innocence
Holy Relationship as the answer to the dream of death
A Manual for Holy Relationship – Book Interview
In this 34 minute video, you will learn the essentials covered by Nouk’s book “A Manual for Holy Relationship”.
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