

Take Me to Truth

Welcome, Mighty Companions!

You are here to remember Who you really are, and to awaken to your true Self, at one with God and Love. It’s time to experience the innocence, joy and peace that are your natural inheritance. This awakening process necessitates undoing the illusions of fear and separation that have kept you in bondage and suffering. To assist you in this process, Take Me to Truth Academy offers many valuable courses (by donation), aligned with the teachings of “A Course in Miracles.

Some courses are “live” gatherings where countless holy encounters and “aha!” moments take place, while others are self-study. Our flagship offering is “The TTC”, a yearlong journey where you’ll join a community of like-minded people who are learning to let go of the ego while making their miraculous shift from fear to Love. We are here to support you and help guide you along the way. Thank you for being here and for choosing Love over fear.

Live Offerings

  • Live joinings via Zoom.
  • Most offerings are recorded and available on the Teachable course platform for replay.
  • Times shown in Mountain (USA/Canada) and UTC time zones. For times in your area, please consult this handy Time Zone Converter.
  • All live offerings shown here can also be viewed on our calendar page.

Total Transformation Course (TTC)

Take Me to Truth Academy - Total Transformation Course (TTC)

Total Transformation Course (TTC): The TTC is a powerful year-long journey taken with mighty companions to make the shift from fear (ego) to Love (Holy Self). We dive into the deeper teachings of A Course in Miracles and the End of Death…

TTC Journeys Open for Enrollment

Ready to join a TTC group? The following are currently open for enrollment. Sessions run weekly and last around 90-120 minutes each.

Total Transformation Course (TTC) with Rebecca
TTC w/Rebecca #082024


Starts Aug. 11, 2024

11:30 am MDT (USA/Canada)

17:30 UTC

Enrollment closes on 09/01/2024

Total Transformation Course (TTC) with Barbara
TTC w/Barbara #092024D


Starts Sep. 6, 2024

11:00 am MST (USA/Canada)

17:00 UTC

Enrollment closes on 09/28/2024

Total Transformation Course (TTC) with Julie
TTC w/Julie #092024E


Starts Sep. 11, 2024

4:30 pm MDT (USA/Canada)

22:30 UTC

Enrollment closes on 10/03/2024

TTC Testimonials

"When I joined the TTC, I was hoping for two things. To meet like minded people, establish friendships and learn more about the Course in Miracles. I certainly got what I asked for. I witnessed a lot of miracles in our class, and I felt we all started bonding when we dropped our masks and became emotionally vulnerable and just surrendered. Sharing my emotions and watching others share was how our bonding got stronger and I am truly grateful for my spiritual family. (1/4)"

Richard T., Canada

"I was very impressed with the content we learned, the abundance of reading materials and resources that the TTC offered and how organized and structured the course layout was. Some of the teachings that stood out for me were the special and holy relationships, the gap diagram, the ego thought system, the hallway visualization, the atonement process, the end of fear meditation and the seven keys to authentic communicating. (2/4)"

Richard T., Canada

"My teachers, Sandy and Cheryll, were amazing and I am so grateful that they volunteered for this year long journey. I am grateful that they shared their intimate and personal details of their own life journeys, their sharing really started the tone for the class and helped influence us all to be comfortable in a group setting. I personally think that both of you did an amazing job answering our questions and I feel you both got better throughout the year, and I also saw some of your own healing occur. (3/4)"

Richard T., Canada

"I feel my trust has deepened and I have the tools to deal with any daily triggers. I feel that my filter is less clouded, and I feel I have a deeper love for God and Jesus. I feel worthy to ask for Jesus’s help for any problem I have no matter how big or small they are. I am grateful for the friendships I have established with my miracle buddy and classmates. I feel this year long journey has also inspired me to empower myself to feel worthy and only settle for what I want in life. (4/4)"

Richard T., Canada

“The TTC training has given me tremendous insights into just how the ego thought system functions. This was crucial in helping me to finally let go, forgive and heal. As an effortless consequence of this my innermost Nature has been resurrected – love, trust, laughter and light are showing up everywhere gently and naturally. I am deeply grateful to all our Mighty Companions who took this life-changing TTC journey with me."

A.Oakes, USA

"I was able to take the “authentic me” that has been hidden for 81 years out from behind the false self and bring her forward.” …“ I feel so free and light and can just be me without needing to do or be for anyone else. So thank you, thank you, thank you."

Joan, USA

"I am loving these TTC Class videos! They are blowing my mind! For 2.5 years I have studied “A Course in Miracles” and just watching these first few classes, I have learned way more. I just have to continue watching. I can’t tell you how much they have helped me, like in my real life. My depression has improved as I have learned to see that it is just an ego thought. I have learned how to recognize and re-purpose my defenses, and that’s just the tip top of the iceberg. My relationships are being completely changed. I have learned so, so much. I mean this is LIFE CHANGING."

J. T., USA

Book Study - The End of Death Vol. 1
Book Study – The End of Death Vol. 1


9:00am MDT

15:00 UTC

NoukCoreen Walson holding a lamb in her arms.Nouk & Coreen

Young woman sitting on a pier and relaxing with book and coffee on sunrise.
ACIM Daily Workbook Lessons


7:00am MDT

13:00 UTC

JoanJoan & RuthannPortrait photo of Ruthann

ACIM Daily Workbook Lesson Reflections 2023
ACIM Daily Workbook Lesson Reflections 2024


7:00pm MDT

01:00 UTC

The Art of Spiritual Healing
Book Study – The Art of
Spiritual Healing


3:00pm MDT

21:00 UTC

Coreen Walson holding a lamb in her arms.Coreen

Open journal with a pen and daffodil on an empty page
Journaling with your Inner Guide


12:00pm MDT

18:00 UTC

BarbaraPortrait photo of Barbara

A Course in Miracles - A Deep Dive into the Text - COA Edition


5:00pm MDT

23:00 UTC


ACIM Meets Christian Science
A Course In Miracles Meets
Christian Science


5:00pm MDT

23:00 UTC


Anchoring Jesus' Deeper Teachings in a Course in Miracles
Anchoring Jesus’ Deeper Teachings in ACIM

1st & 3rd Tuesday each month

5:30pm MDT

23:30 UTC


Come Breathe With Me
Come Breathe With Me


7:00am MDT

13:00 UTC


6:00pm MDT

00:00 UTC

AmberPortrait photo of Amber

Viviendo la Relación Santa
Viviendo la Relación Santa


12:00pm MDT

18:00 UTC

VRS FacilitadoresVRS Facilitadores

The Next Level of Trust
Post-TTC The Next Level of Trust w/Phil


9:00am MDT

15:00 UTC


The Next Level of Trust
Post-TTC The Next Level of Trust w/Allen


06:00am CET

04:00pm AEDT

05:00 UTC

11:00pm MDT Friday


06:30am MDT

12:30 UTC

Portrait photo of AllenAllen

TTC Family Open Zoom Meeting
TTC Family Open Zoom Meeting

1st Saturday each month

9:00am MDT

15:00 UTC

Lynne’s open joining on Zoom
​Lynne’s Open Joining On Zoom


2:00pm MDT

20:00 UTC


Self-Study Programs

All self-study programs are available on the Teachable course platform for you to follow at your own leisure.

Holy Relationship Journey (HRJ)

Take Me to Truth Academy - Holy Relationship Journey (HRJ)

Holy Relationship Journey (HRJ) – Jesus teaches unequivocally in A Course in Miracles that the Holy Relationship is the fast track to awakening and the means by which to transcend the ego’s highly defended obstacles to peace (Love)…

Nouk Nouk & Coreen

Self-Study - A Course In Miracles - Manual for Teachers
A Course In Miracles – Manual for Teachers

Are the miraculous healings that Jesus did 2000 years ago possible today?

If someone came to you seeking help through prayer for a serious disease, would you know how to respond?…

Nouk  SanchezNouk Sanchez

Helen's Notes Unpacked (ACIM)
Helen’s Notes Unpacked (ACIM)

Daniel has been deeply affected by the book Helen’s Notes: Dialogues with Jesus, a recently released edition of the first eight chapters of A Course in Miracles. In the period of Bill Thetfords’s first documentation of Helen…

Nouk & DanielNouk & Daniel

Self-Study - Jesus On Sex
Jesus On Sex – Updated

This ground-breaking video collection unpacks Jesus’ teachings on the topic of sex. Chapter 4 of A Manual for Holy Relationship discusses exclusively the quotes that Jesus gave us in ACIM (COA edition and Urtext) on sex and…

Nouk  SanchezNouk Sanchez

Self-Study - Jesus On Healing
Jesus on Healing

Jesus is clear that miracles are not only literal, but an expected function of the Miracle Worker. He is asking us to be the means that literal, physical miracles be performed through our hands and words…


Self-Study - Jesus On Healing Self & Others
Jesus on Healing Self & Others

Come and dive in the DEEP END with us. This is where we drill down to finally SEE and HEAL the hidden CAUSE of all our pain, no matter the “form” it takes. This course will help to heal our relationship with Self and…

Nouk  SanchezNouk Sanchez

Self-Study - Jesus On True Prayer
Jesus on True Prayer

We invite you to join us in this online class as we unpack Jesus’ teaching, ‘The Song of Prayer,’ a valuable supplement to A Course in Miracles. Together we’ll discover the difference between fruitless prayer and true prayer…

Nouk  SanchezNouk Sanchez

Book Study - The NTI
Book Study

Hello Family. As you know, I love the scriptures! So when I heard that there was an interpretation of the New Testament by Holy Spirit, I was very interested in reading it. Turns out many others are too…


The Infinite Way - Book Study with Coreen
Book Study
The Infinite Way

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964) was a renowned spiritual teacher, author, healer, and mystic, and the revelator of The Infinite Way message, which he taught around the world….


The Presence Process
Book Study
The Presence Process

This book and its practice has been very helpful to many in the TMTT family to move from staying stuck in the mind thinking, concepts, problem solving – which is a defense to “Being” a present Love…


Self-Study - The Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount

Of all of Jesus’ teachings, the Sermon on the Mount is one of the most studied and discussed. It has been said that Jesus’ entire teaching ministry is contained within this one sermon…


Book Study - The One
Book Study
The One

This book includes a marvelous message of the absolute teaching. Each chapter assists the reader to move beyond the mental level of knowing truth to one of an experience of truth, The Eternal, which is within…


Self-Study - Visualizing The Atonement
Visualize the Atonement Process

Do you want help practicing forgiveness using the seven steps as offered by Nouk in her blog, The Seven Essential Principles of Quantum Forgiveness? The Atonement is the correction of fear in our Mind…


Book cover of "The Art of Meditation"
Book Study
The Art of Meditation

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964) was a renowned spiritual teacher, author, healer, and mystic, and the revelator of The Infinite Way message, which he taught around the world. Joel gained recognition in 1947 with…


Mother Mary's Christmas Message
Mother Mary’s
Christmas Message

Mother Mary has presented us with a blessing and message this Christmas season. Come join our Take Me to Truth family on Christmas Eve and receive her offering of Love and her wisdom on what is being asked of us…


Easter Celebrations
Easter Celebrations (2022)

We celebrate Easter with Coreen and the Take Me to Truth Family

Coreen shared music, inspiration, and ideas from the Bible and A Course in Miracles…


Healing in Sacred Space with Rachel
Healing in Sacred Space

“Starting with focused breathing and relaxation, I lead the group to their Sacred Space with music. Spirit will guide the healing process through me once we enter the doorway.​”…

RachelPortrait photo of Rachel