
Come Breathe With Me

Option #1:


Option #2:

Live Joining

Live Joining Times:

07:00am MST

13:00 UTC


6:00pm MST

00:00 UTC


This simple, living Practice arose spontaneously within the Take Me to Truth family when many of us read the book Come Breathe With Me. The uniqueness of its approach is that we do nothing TO the breath. No method. We simply bring our Awareness in humble surrender to this loving, infinite gesture between the Father and the Son – Spirit as Breath. It’s the same word in Aramaic. We invite the mystery of the breathless Breath to reveal itSelf.

When we can humbly sit in the Silence of Being, the ego parade of thoughts is seen as nothing. 
Mind rests in the Heart, and Presence lives us as Love.

There are two options:



At your convenience read or listen to the day’s chapter from the free Come Breathe with me web version. Then choose one of the meditations: Meditations Resources and the time desired (5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes). (download them for better quality listening).


Live Joining

Attend a live zoom session at 7 am and/or 6 pm Mountain time. It’s 15 minutes and is followed by an optional 15 minute to share the ACIM lesson of the day. It is spontaneously guided by the attendees. The link to the zoom room is: Join the Come Breathe w/me Session. Zoom Room # 774.324.3594. Passcode 12345. It is so amazing to consciously Breathe together!
If you wish to receive a daily email reminder containing the links & chapter of the day, email [email protected]. The meeting can be started without a host so if another ‘body’ doesn’t show up, we invite you to read the chapter to the whole Sonship! God is surely there! 🙂

Facilitated By



“I had a longing to live in a Course in Miracles Community, but I didn't want to leave my family, my dogs and my espresso machine. 😇 Come Breathe With Me sets me up to have an honest day in full contemplation of the Truth, and has been probably the most important component of my TTC journey and the fulfillment of my dream to live on Retreat right here in my own home and to truly embody the teachings of my Master Jesus. (1/2)"

Jacquelin E.

"It means so much to me to be able to start my day in quiet reflection with my devoted mighty companions. I have not missed a single day since I found this group. The meditation is beautiful, but really, it's the people who keep me coming back. I find everyone who comes to Breathe, to meditate and contemplate the Course to be some of the most honest, loving, sincere and genuine people I have ever met- these are people who intend to Be Awake! It is an honor to breathe together every day. I love you and my gratitude is endless 💛. (2/2)"

Jacquelin E.

"It is in gratitude that I give accolades to, Come Breathe With Me, although words can never do it justice for its richness lies in its silence, I can say it is a wholehearted invitation to Spirit, to inspire, comfort, lift, carry and awake us, joined and in Love. Not too long ago, I seemed to be going through a difficult situation. Speech was irrelevant and isolation seemed my companion, but for Come Breathe With Me. And that was enough to liberate the mind's confusion and open the heart wide to receive its rightful place in Peace. (1/2)"

Susan C.

"In the end, the material structure crumbled to the higher interpretation and understanding of the reigning Power of Spirit. The Reality of our Spiritual Universe was known and seen. Come Breathe With Me was my escort. Eternity’s whisper, Grace’s residence and Love’s Home in our very Heart. It is a celebration of God’s Joy in us and our Innocence in God! Thank you, Come Breathe With Me! (2/2)"

Susan C.

"This daily "Come Breathe with Me" sessions, followed by the reading of the ACIM Daily Workbook lesson is an oasis of true connection. As a drop of water you dip into the endless sea of Source, it reminds me again and again of our Truth as oneness. It feels like opening one after the other present, again and again and again... We share, we read, we listen, we learn as one family sitting on the round table in Our Fathers House. These daily sessions are like a warm bath on an ice cold winter day. Love 💕"


"Deep, deep and deeper is how I feel after the Come Breathe with Me sessions!! To repeat the 40 chapters one day at a time and getting to connect heart to heart as we read the ACIM Daily Workbook lesson hearing different miracle companions read each paragraph of Lesson and Introduction when we have time to stay after the CBwM chapter joining in the Course lesson—rewarding beyond words. It feels we are shifting more and more toward the real world. Hope to see you there and feel you with us always."

Phil K.

" We come together every morning (evening) in what has become a sharing of ourselves with one another with love and support. We are guided by the INSPIRED words of Amber 's and Franklin's book, Come Breathe With Me, which sets our intention as we breathe. And as we breathe, we feel Breathed by LOVE. Love brings us out of our selves, and the group has become AWARE that we are ONE LOVINGNESS. "

Melissa S.

"Come Breathe with Me has been a wonderful place to surround mySelf with the Peace and Love of Spirit through this beautiful family. Such a great place to start and/or end your day in Peace! Thank you for this offering!! With Gratitude,"

Matt S.

"I set my alarm for 5:53am every morning and at 6am I step out of the darkness and into the light of my beloved Come Breathe with Me family. The teachings comes alive for me here. I can feel the Presence and I am learning to rest in That for which my soul has been longing. The truth is offered here so sweetly, so gently, and without even realizing it, I have said “Yes”💖"

Beatrice T.

"Come Breathe with Me is a complete teaching, each day fresh and new, expressed with such love and ease. How wonderful it is to sit with family as we recognize the Oneness. Thank you Amber and Franklin for this simple and beautiful way of Being present in Presence.xx so much gratitude,"

Sarah H.

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