The Ego

The Ego

Jesus tells us that all our problems have already been solved. All we need do is sincerely accept the solution which has been given in and by God’s Love. This is the Atonement or the correction of our perception from fear back to Love. Who made the original decision...
The Greatest Lie of all Time

The Greatest Lie of all Time

Misidentification as the body is the source of all fear and suffering. Identifying as the body-self, living out from this treacherous lie as our central identity, breeds the mistaken belief that we are a separate identity to God and all our brothers. The body-self and...

Signs of the Spiritual Ego

Before my own breakthrough, I went through a period of what I call spiritual superiority. Of course I could not see it at the time as I was blinded by it. Many on the spiritual path will encounter this phase in varying degrees. This is a period whereby the ego is...

Is the Script already Written?

In A Course in Miracles circles we often hear people refer to the Course teaching that the script is already written. In the past I thought this meant that fate had been written and it didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do. However now I realize that it...

Does God Know About the World?

Does God know about the world? Technically, God cannot know of something masquerading as Its opposite. God is all Knowledge, all encompassing Love without opposite. There is literally “nothing” apart from this except as illusion within our wrong-minded...