There are two simultaneous dreams going on in our mind at once. There is the ego’s dream of the body and the world. Then there is the Right-Minded dream of the Real World; this is the dream we perceive from only Spirit in our mind. They are occurring simultaneously in our mind. The one we will see and experience is the one that we currently believe; the one we value. To most of us, it will be the ego’s dream. The body and world are not out there, but in our mind. Both the cause and the symptoms (effect) remain together in our mind and can never be separate. When the cause is healed then the symptoms or effects are free to be healed as well.
The cause of the ego dream is our choice for the ego’s illusory belief in sin, guilt and fear. The effects are conflict, scarcity, pain, disease, loss and death. However all this adversity we seem to experience never leaves its source – in our mind. But once we change our mind through forgiveness, we change the cause in our mind. As the cause is healed of fear and returned to Love, the effects or symptoms which are also in our mind, are free to be returned to Love as well.
We apply advanced forgiveness to everything that threatens our peace. We remember that there is no-one and no-thing out there to forgive. This prayer was gifted me from Spirit and invokes miraculous results when intended with heart-felt sincerity:
“Spirit, please help me to forgive myself for using ___(person, situation, judgment, sickness, pain, self-judgment, sadness, anger, addiction, excess weight, depression, financial scarcity, etc)___ to attack myself and to separate from Your Love as my Holy Self.”
Everything that upsets us is a call for Love. It’s a monumental opportunity to look mindfully with Spirit (no self judgment) at all that we have unknowingly projected to attack ourselves. Until we recognize that all attack is self attack, we will continue to project and attract much suffering. Forgiveness gives us the opportunity to exhume and release our unconscious guilt (self hatred).
God does not know of our mis-creations with the ego. A vast ocean is not aware of the tiny ripple that resists it, nor is the sun aware of a stray sunbeam. Instead, he sent the Holy Spirit into our mind to call us back from our insane “self concept” including the body/world, to the Truth of our majestic Identity in God’s Love.
The cause of the Real World dream is our single-minded choice to see only Love. This is the Real World or happy dream where our perception has been corrected. Here there is no scarcity, conflict, disease or death. In this dream, our trust has been transferred completely from the ego over to our Holy Self. We have overcome fear and guilt and know Who we are as infinite expressions of God’s Love. The Real World is not a place we go to. It is a state of mind that already exists; one that is waiting for us to surrender all guilt, judgment and attack. Here, we know that we are the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no lack. We have everything because we are everything. Having and being are the same. The end of the world is not its destruction, but its translation into Heaven. Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world we see, and to transform it into a happy dream, one that is without conflict, sickness, pain, loss and death.
The end of the world is not its destruction, but its translation into Heaven. T-11.VIII.1:8
“The Holy Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world you see to something else; a basis not insane, on which a sane perception can be based, another world perceived. And one in which nothing is contradicted that would lead the Son of God to sanity and joy. Nothing attests to death and cruelty; to separation and to differences. For here is everything perceived as one, and no one loses that each one may gain.” T-25.VII.5.
The transfer process from fear to Love, Jesus calls the development of trust (Manual for Teachers, ACIM). This is accomplished through forgiveness. We undergo a radical reversal of thoughts, beliefs and values. The Real World is not accomplished though death. It is realized through knowing without doubt, that there is only one Power and that is God’s Love as our cherished and Holy Self.
God does not know the false self, the “self” we made up. And that is why we feel so alone and vulnerable because we still believe the ego’s perception. But as the ego falls away, our Holy Self is revealed in our awareness and experience. The Holy Self is embodied and embraced. So the infinite Love and security we previously craved… is now known in our experience, as our Self. Having and being are one.
“The real world was given you by God in loving exchange for the world you made and the world you see. Only take it from the hand of Christ and look upon it. Its reality will make everything else invisible, for beholding it is total perception. And as you look upon it you will remember that it was always so. Nothingness will become invisible, for you will at last have seen truly.” T-12.VIII.8:1-5
Note: You might like to read a companion excerpt titled, Is the Script Already Written? Here is the link:
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
Dear Nouk, Thank you for having the courage and willingness to go into God and share your revelations you received with us. I am grateful that I came across your interview with K. Bok. It was truly inspiring. My dedication to God and the course have increased since being exposed to your work. You astound me. I hope to have the chance to meet you at one of your workshops soon. When will doing a Power of Power Stage One again. I remain truly grateful.
Hi Lynne,
Thank you for joining me in this! If my work is helping to increase your trust in Love over fear…then I am overjoyed.
I have nothing else to do, but this. And I am in Heaven!
With Love,
Nouk–I love the excerpts! Is the book out yet? I haven’t been able to find it. If it isn’t yet, when will it be? Thanks! Laura
G/day Nouk,
Sounds like your new book is spot on. True to all the absurdness of the world, how can something that does not really exist, cease? But our belief in the masquerade is so overwhelming we choose not to believe in anything else! Further, how can we be alone and vulnerable when we are all actually integrated as one? Thanks for the clarifications.
Hi Laura,
I’m finishing the last third of the book in the coming months. We hope to have it released earlyish 2013…but we’ll notify everyone in our Newsletter.
With Love,
Hi Ron,
Thank you too!
Love and hugs,
Hi Lynne & Laura,
The next Power of Power – Know ThySelf Stage One Retreat here in the U.S. with Nouk Sanchez, Stacy Sully and Carrie Triffet will be May 19-25, 2013, pricing details are not yet finalized. We will also be having Stage One Retreats in Bavaria and Ireland in the spring of 2013. As soon as the details on these retreats are finalized, we will post them on our website at and also send the information out via our newsletter which you may sign-up for at
Nouk’s next book is not out yet. We are very blessed to get to see some excerpts of what she is currently writing! As soon as we have some news about it’s availability, we will share that on the website and newsletter also!
Blessings to you!
Figured it out! I’ve been so secluded and not in touch for so long. What is the name of your new book? When can we get one?
HaLo, the book is titled The End of Death and hopefully…it will be released earlyish 2013.
Love, Nouk
Love you Nouk <3
<3 Thank you dear Frank,
Big Love,
dear Nouk
is there a mailinglist to get myself on to receive news on your newest book The end of death?
Nina martins, Norway
Dear Nina,
Yes, you can sign up for our Newsletter that is released every couple of months. We hope to have the new book released before June 2013…but it will be announced in the Newsletter. Here is the sign up link:
Warm Blessings,
Dying while in the dream is sleeping. Waking while in the dream is resurrection immediately! The choice is ours! Thank you Nouk!!
Dear Nouk,
I read these words and I know in my gut that they are true. But to live day by day within these words is a constant struggle. Every time I feel I’ve made progress, I fall back into the muck. Tomorrow I try again. Thanks reminding us as to why we are here.
It’s a journey of “contrasts” between ego and Spirit…until we willingly decide to say “no” to the ego and then miracles are free to extend. They can’t until we make this fundamental distinction (between ego & Spirit) and choose against BELIEVING the ego any longer.
I read an excerpt today from “The End of Death” in the new Miracles issue 70 published by John Mundy. It is titled “pleasure and Pain- The Truth”
In reading about examining our desires with Spirit rather than pursuing what we think brings us pleasure on our own sounded like something I could do this very afternoon since I had a couple of hours and felt a desire to go shopping at a local thrift store. This pleasure ends in guilt and self recriminations. Avoiding this guilty pleasure doesnt end well either because of the sense of sacrifice which you talked about in the article. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Unless I communicated honestly with Spirit and went ahead to the thrift store, which I did.
As I walked the aisles I asked the questions over and over, “what is it that I am looking for?””what do I think will bring happiness ?” I’m pretty hardcore when it comes to shopping so I kept going, picking up a teapot, looking in an old trunk. Still talking to spirit all the while.
Then I saw her, a friend I hadn’t seen since 1986 but had been trying to find on Facebook and other places with no luck. Her last name had changed.
The reason I was trying to find her was that when i was lookiing through a box of old letters and photos I found about 50 poems she wrote and gave me during our first 6 years in AA.
I decided to leave AA , not to drink but to look for God everywhere but inside me,! many churches, even tried ACIM way back then but it scared me.
My friend said today that when I left AA I did come and tell her I wouldn’t see her anymore since I wouldn’t be at meetings. She appreciated that I did that. I usually just vanished without a word because I felt worthless and thought no one would miss me.
What a difference today!
We talked for over an hour and are meeting Thursday when i will give her back her poems.
What an inspiring experience you had Linda! Thank you for sharing…miracles abound when we’re mindfully present with Spirit!
Spirit was certainly with me and showing me that it doesn’t really matter where I am or what I am doing as long as Spirit goes with me.
There is an alternative to the ego’s pleasure and pain cycle.
Oops! Did I forget to mention that the article was written by Nouk Sanchez?
“There is the ego’s dream of the body and the world. Then there is the Right-Minded dream of the Real World; this is the dream we perceive from only Spirit in our mind. They are occurring simultaneously in our mind.” and only one of these ways of thinking can be turned on at one time… They cannot operate together. So thru forgiveness we access our Christ Mind…and it is, “Here, we know that we are the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no lack. We have everything because we are everything. Having and being are the same. The end of the world is not its destruction, but its translation into Heaven.” And this can occur in as long as it takes to change my mind and see it differently from God’s mind. The Real World immediately occurs from Love…. Thank you Noukie! I Love You!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxox
Dear Nouk! Are you saying that what the Course calls the “happy dream” IS Heaven, The Real World? Sort of, “still the “same” world, but “totally different”? “Just” a shift in “awareness”? IN A WAY, “just” taking off the blinders? LOL! Like this world, but with only the good and amazing stuff in it? LOL! Like, still with mountains? LOL! – with all the bad stuff gone? – I’m asking because, during reading, I realized that I unconsciously thought that I would have to leave this world ENTIRELY, like through death or a “totally transformative amazing sort of “experience””? LOL! – I have to laugh, because, in a way, I have no idea what I’m really asking! You mean, it’s right here right now – “just” a shift in mind!
Well, if I make ANY sense and you feel moved to support me with an answer (no answer would also be the perfect answer!), I would truly appreciate it!
And, by the way, I SO appreciate your generosity and love shared through this blog! IT’S AMAZING!
Dear Nouk,
Just read your recent article in the Pathways of Light mag. and it was awesome, just wonderful! I’d like very much to communicate with you (through this venue or email – whatever is your preference)and to know when you’ll be giving a workshop (hopefully in my “neck of the woods”).
Again, thank you and hope to hear back.
Dear Jerry,
I’m so glad you found that excerpt helpful. You might want to read my latest book too…here’s the website: If you go to the SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS link on that website, you can download Chapter Two of the AUDIO BOOK and listen to it for free…
By the way, we added your email to our Newsletter list too. Where do you live? We have a few upcoming Retreats scheduled…
Warm blessings,
Nouk 🙂