Jesus was the first within the one Son of God, to fully awaken from the ego’s dream of death. He was the first to wholly embody the Christ, the Holy Self. Because he has completely undone the ego’s dream of death, we don’t need to do it again. We were with Jesus as the one Holy Self when he accomplished the end of suffering. The only part of us that disagrees with this, is the imposter, the self-made ego. All we are asked to do is to forgive and to accept the Atonement for our self, trusting implicitly that in the instant we accept Atonement…it is done. If it is done, the only decision left for us is to choose to receive what is already complete. We don’t need to earn Atonement. It’s our inheritance. The memory of our absolute guiltlessness and total invulnerability will return as we trust in the Power of the Atonement.
There is only one block to truly accepting the Atonement; and that is guilt. All guilt is simply the unconscious guilt for having made a false-self and world, apart from God. The result of this is fear. All fear arises from guilt as our unconscious fear of punishment (by God), and is disguised as the need to defend ourselves from perceived threat, i.e. sickness, conflict, scarcity, loss and death, etc. This deep fear may also appear as a sense of unworthiness, doubt or disbelief.
There is just one requirement for undoing all our suffering and that is to accept and receive the healing that Jesus has already given us …this is the divine undoing of fear and guilt in our mind. In any Holy Instant you can choose to totally surrender your guilt and judgment of the situation as you see it. Jesus, in the following quote, explains that he already accomplished the undoing of all our suffering. Will we accept it?
“You were in darkness until God’s Will was done completely by any part of the Sonship. When this was done, it was perfectly accomplished by all. How else could it be perfectly accomplished? My mission was simply to unite the will of the Sonship with the Will of the Father by being aware of the Father’s Will myself. This is the awareness I came to give you, and your problem in accepting it is the problem of this world. Dispelling it is salvation, and in this sense I [am] the salvation of the world…” “As God sent me to you so will I send you to others. And I will go to them with you, so we can teach them peace and union.” T-8.IV.3:1-6,10-11
“You have no problems that He cannot solve by offering you a miracle. Miracles are for you. And every fear or pain or trial you have has been undone. He has brought all of them to light, having accepted them instead of you, and recognized they never were. There are no dark lessons He has not already lightened for you.” T-14.XI.9:2-6
“The Atonement does not make holy. You were created holy. It merely brings unholiness to holiness; or what you made to what you are. Bringing illusion to truth, or the ego to God, is the Holy Spirit’s only function.” T-14.IX.1:1-4 “The Atonement is so gentle you need but whisper to it, and all its power will rush to your assistance and support.” T-14.IX.3:2
The Forgiveness and Atonement Process
- Accept yourself now. Regardless of how upset you might be, you are not your thoughts or physical and emotional feelings. You are the quiet Witness, choosing to have your mistaken perception healed in this instant.
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- There is only one Power as God’s Loving Will. Remember to use true denial by denying anything not of God’s Love, the power to hurt you (or another). There is only one Power as God’s Love. Everything other than God’s Love is unreal.
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- Identify the real cause which is guilt in your mind. Where do you believe the cause of the problem is? If you believe the cause of this problem (sickness, pain, conflict, scarcity, person, situation, etc) lies in an ego cause outside you, either in the body, in the world or in the past, then you will deny healing of the singular cause which is unconscious guilt.
The cause is in your mind and nowhere else regardless of what appears to be so. Believing that the cause is outside you separates cause and effect in your mind. To heal the one cause, you must be willing to suspend doubt even if it’s for an instant. The miracle occurs in the instant you withdraw your belief in what the ego tells you is real.
Both cause and effect are always in your mind. The cause (guilt) and it’s effects remain together in your mind even though the seeming symptoms appear so convincingly out there and real; they are not. Cause and effect can never be separate in your mind although the ego’s job is to make it appear as if they are, so you will continue to depend on the ego’s guidance instead of your Holy Self. Because cause and effect are never separate in your mind, the healing of all worldly effects is readily available when you prioritize the healing of your perception (forgiveness) first, above all other concerns and appearances. You must desire your perception to be healed more than you want a particular physical outcome. Review the illusory cause of the problem (your belief in what your ego-body’s senses tell you), and surrender your mistake to Spirit. Look past appearances!
You may still choose to do something about the seeming problem in the world, eg. medication, surgery, leave your job, etc; but you will have prioritized peace first by forgiving and accepting Atonement. In other words, you have surrendered the singular cause of the problem to God within.
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- Atonement is the undoing of fear, by Spirit. You cannot heal or be healed while you are fearful. Only one holy instant of surrendering fear is required for the miracle to take place. Remember that you are responsible for fear, therefore you must be willing to surrender it fully. Spirit cannot help you while you cling to fear and doubt.
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- Is the problem or issue real? If you still believe the problem or issue is real, you cannot forgive it. True healing as forgiveness can only take place when you’re willing to recognize the only obstacle as the singular cause of this dilemma is your own perception of it as a problem. In giving it reality you invest in an imaginary power other than God’s Love and healing. The ego sees a problem and then proceeds to solve it or overlook it. Both actions cannot heal the fundamental cause. In fact they exacerbate it. To heal we must agree to join with Holy Spirit to look beyond the error. If we can’t look beyond it then we will believe that we (the ego) must undo it before we can accept the miracle through forgiveness.
โThe ego’s plan is to have you see error clearly first, and then overlook it. Yet how can you overlook what you have made real? By seeing it clearly, you have made it real and [cannot] overlook it.โ T-9.IV.4:4-6
โForgiveness through the Holy Spirit lies simply in looking beyond error from the beginning, and thus keeping it unreal for you. Do not let any belief in its realness enter your mind, or you will also believe that you must undo what you have made in order to be forgiven. What has no effect does not exist, and to the Holy Spirit the effects of error are nonexistent. By steadily and consistently cancelling out all its effects, everywhere and in all respects, He teaches that the ego does not exist and proves it.โ T-9.IV.5:3-6
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- Ask for and trust only in God’s Will to be done. Invoke God’s inevitable Will to heal all suffering.
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- ย Remember there is no hierarchy of illusions. Therefore, there is no order of difficulty in miracles.
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- Remember that all pain, sickness, upsetting people or situations have the sacred purpose of bringing your unconscious guilt (self-hatred, self-attack) to the conscious to be healed via forgiveness. For this, you can be grateful.
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- ย Forgiveness is remembering that the person or problem you perceive is not really there (in the person or problem). So the imagined cause (guilt) must be in your own mind. Now real healing can occur as you release the guilt from its source; always in your own mind.
- ย ย ย ย ย ย ย You have one Altar within. You cannot have two mutually exclusive devotions on your Altar at any one time. If you are upset by a person or problem, then the person or problem is your devotion. And Spirit cannot help you. However when you place your wrong perception on the Altar, asking for healing, then Spirit is free to heal your perception.
- ย ย ย ย You must accept Atonement if you truly want to undo error and heal. Do not allow unworthiness, fear or doubt, cause you to resist accepting your rightful inheritance. Atonement is the divine correction of your perception. It undoes the guilt and fear that caused the problem. You don’t need to understand the problem, you only need to accept the remedy…the Atonement.
NOTE: If you would like to unearth your unconscious FEAR of GOD, click here for the EXERCISE
Forgivenessย Steps – Accepting Atonement
1.ย ย ย ย ย I acknowledge that I am not at peace, so I must be wrong-minded. And I want to be at peace so I ask Spirit to help me look at my mind.
2.ย ย ย ย ย I remember that any sign of threat, pain, sickness, conflict, or scarcity is not God’s Will. I acknowledge this is the ego in my mind. I remember that I must deny the ego’s appearances and focus on the Love that is Truth, beyond all appearances.
3.ย ย ย ย ย I invite You (Spirit) to look at these fears and judgments with me. I will not judge myself or another while we do this. I will leave a space of total non-judgment, so you can fill it with Love and healing.
4.ย ย ย ย ย As we look together, I say to myself with sincerity, “Even while this appears as a problem, and despite feeling fear, pain, anxiety, unworthiness, anger, guilt, or doubt – I open myself to receive healing through the miracle, in this instant.”
5.ย ย ย ย ย Trust only in God’s Love. God is in everything I see, because God is in my mind. Together, we look past ego appearances as they represent our unconscious wishes with the ego. In looking past appearances we join with God (light) in asking to perceive only what is true, beyond ego appearances (darkness). God is in everything I see, because God is in my mind; and what God sees through my mind is therefore healed! Do not doubt this. This is forgiveness. Trust and doubt cannot co-exist and Love without trust is impossible.
6.ย ย ย ย ย A Prayer to Spirit within: “Spirit, I accept your Atonement; I accept your divine correction of error in my mind, and I allow your healing to flow through my mind. I accept that you have already healed both the cause and symptoms (effects) of this problem; the decision and its shadow. If the problem’s ‘appearance’ continues, or if there are continuing ‘symptoms’ (appearances) that cause me to doubt – then I offer these doubts to you as well, to correct in my mind. I remember in any holy instant that I sincerely accept Atonement, it is done! To continue to be concerned after I have forgiven and accepted Atonement, is to doubt your Love and prolong the illusion of time and suffering.” Remember: Love without trust is impossible; doubt and trust cannot coexist.ย “I remember this and I have gratitude that Spirit has already healed my mind and I accept with this, the healing of all symptoms (effects). It is done!”
Note: If I am too fearful yet to trust only in God’s Love, I will find comfort in alternatives for now, and this is perfectly okay. For example, I may take medication, see a physician, take supplements, etc. The most important point to remember is to do these things with conscious awareness of Spirit. I might take medication however I no longer take it alone. I ask Spirit to heal my perception as I take an alternative. In this way, we are gently led out of fear and in to Love. Remember if there is any sign of judgment or guilt, exchange it for the miracle…again.
Atonement Short Cut:
1.ย Acknowledge your perception needs to be healed. Express willingness to surrender it.
2.ย Surrender your wrong-minded perception
3.ย Accept the Atonement, the miracle. Trust it is done!
Aย Short and Powerful Forgiveness Prayer
Note: place the person or situation that upsets you in the following prayer…
“Holy Spirit, please help me to forgive myself for having unknowinglyย used ______(person, sickness, scarcity, conflict, pain, etc) _____to attack myself and to separate from your Love as my Holy Self.”
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
Thank you! Amazing……
Eureka! I have found it!
Thank you, Nouk, for walking some steps in front of me with my Elder Brother, Jesus, on the Path Home. Your en-Light-enment, Lightens my way and Lightens all my former seeming burdens at once. Ahhhhh, Bliss. Peace. Light. Love.
And thank you Triskana! We’re walking each other Home…<3
What do you mean when you say in the brief version “accept the atonement”? What is `the atonement`? I know that the course describes it as the miracle, undoing of ego, etc… but how does one actually `DO` this interaction with it…. is it a feeling of light? is it a mental openness? how do you experience it? what is it that I’m to accept within my experience, in my mind? Do you have a bit more of an explanation of `how` you accept the atonement… is it just that you stop and say to yourself, okay, I accept truth, and then have some kind of mental openness or attitude that embraces some kind of pure state of being? This has to be in some way experiential and I want to move past the words and definitions to the actual practical doing of it. Thanks
Thank you Paul for alerting me of the need to add links to the whole Atonement process in those excerpts! I just did it so it’ll make it much easier for others to follow and practice now. Here is the link to the Atonement process:
Thanks, I think you linked to this same post and not another, but it’s good because you fooled me into re-reading this and getting more from it. ๐
So basically opening up to God and joining with Him and allowing ourselves to receive/be corrected – a willingness – is all that’s needed `to do` the accepting of the atonement.
Hahahahaha! That’s funny Paul…
THANK YOU Paul, you have used all the exact words that I did not know how to put together, as they swirled in my mind, while I unconsciously felt uneasy about the very word Atonement. Thank you too Nouk for seeing a need for more clarity. ๐ I look forward to the clarity on it’s way. ๐
My dear Nouk,
thank you so mucht for oll this blessing, I embrace you warm and with so much love. I am learnig so much by your write.
the beace of God is with you and God love and my love.
I am happy for you Mirta! I will see you in Germany soon…
Hugs and Love,
Nouk <3
Thank you friend for sharing these powerful words and thoughts of healing and atonement.
You are welcome Mona…
I am going through a few medical issues, and these are the words I needed to hear right now. I have been saying “I am not afraid” and putting it on the “alter” and giving it to the HS. Thank you so much!
Also Carol…you may find this article helpful:
It has a powerful exercise in it…
Warm Blessings,
I just found this, when I really needed it. Just after the retreat in Oct I was all the time remembering to forgive, and connect with Spirit. Then it slowly fell away under the relentless assault of the world – and I got into ego again. Proof – a nasty cold, which I am now working on. Thank you for helping me back to the light – without you and everyone I could not possibly do it – you my brothers show me the path, and help me along it, and I am so grateful.
Love and blessings
I join you Shelley…in holding vigilance to see the ego and to release it. We are worth the effort!
Much Love,
PS. We are offering teleclasses each Saturday beginning this Sat. Here is the link in case you can join us:
Thank you so much Nouk, Your simple, direct, powerful teachings reach through the barriers of guilt I’ve built and help me to accept an opening for healing. I am so grateful to you and the light you share with us all.
Love, Vivian
And thank you Vivian, for sharing your encouraging feedback. As you heal, we all heal…
With Love,
Hi Nouk! (I met you and Tomas several years ago at your workshop in London)..Thank you for this article which I have just found. It is great, I’ve just enjoyed going through the process there (on an issue which I have already surrendered and had healing on but there were a few “symptoms” still around, which i see from above has probably been due to a few doubts. But after going through this process again in your article, and forgiving myself and handing over any doubts, I see the reality that I am already healed.
I normally just “page 90 it”, which always really helps me when in any type of pain or perception of lack of peace, I say the prayer on p.90 of the text and it always works, my perception always shifts. But this article is so great, what a good outline of the atonement and the process to follow; and I’m enjoying all your blog entries and articles, thank you so much for all that you do, God bless, love รine
I’m extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.
Again,this is just what I needed. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you – I feel so relived
thank you so much. I have been reading certain sections and trying to understand but it just wasn’t coming together for me. I knew I was simply missing something. then I read your teaching here and it fell into place . thank you so much nouk.
So glad it’s finally making sense for you David!
thankyou so very much many blessings …gratitude and love to you
You are welcome! Love and blessings, ๐
Hi Nouk
I have just listened to your beautiful interview with Jennifer Hadley today and have now wandered over to you website and then blog.
Thankyou for your incredible clarity around the simplicity of what the Course is asking us to do.
We often make things so so complex.
I am a relatively new student of the course and it is now beginning to make so much more semse.
Knowing that we can desire to heal the perception, then forgive and then accept is so beautiful.
Much love from Australia to you.x
Hi Lea,
I’m glad it’s making more sense for you now. Wonderful! Sending you and Australia Love!
๐ Nouk
Yes, like Lea I also heard your interview with Jennifer Hadley and now am reading this wonderful blog on Forgiveness and Atonement. Like you I have been with the Course for over 20 years, and thank God for Teachers like you, I am now more clear on my responsibility for my own healing by accepting the Atonement, and now I choose to suspend fear and doubt for Holy Spirit to heal my unconscious ego’s guilt. Thank You Nouk for your dedication and teaching! Love and Light.
Thank you Philip. As you heal…we all heal!
With Love,
Nouk ๐
Dear Nouk Sanchez:
hello, my name is Tamara and I am in a very, very, unholy, over wrought – bad space.
The good news is my brother and I finally found something we agree on – that being that crossing myself over would eliminate me, because apparently I am a worth piece of shit and well…
I am guilty of being my parents daughter, and other then that the lies being told about me (and believed by my family and friends), that are not true… It would seem I have no worth and if you asked my brother he would tell you that everybody knows that, except me apparently, so I must be worthless and stupid too. Ironic, Todd finally agrees with me something and perhaps he proves my point.
Nouk, will you pray for me, I’m sorry sad, and spent I can’t see through the hurt and pain any more. And I can feel it diminishing my well being and as I’ve tried to reach out – no one is reaching back, having done the very best I know how to do and relentlessly being told through the screams how worthless I am and all I want to do is live out the remainder of my Dad’s days with him, having just buried my Mother. I just can’t do it anymore. I believe in the power of prayer and yet I continue to suffer. I recently buried my Mother and Dad has asked me to stay at his home while he is still alive. However, my niece and her husband who live in my parents’ basement have sabotaged me at every turn – cyber bullying and now the malicious daily lies and attack – they live at Dad’s and have called every agency imaginable to report me for this or that… blah,blah, blah. enough Iโm tired and I just need a home so I can crawl away and die. I apologize for the unsavory nature of this email. I just thought that if you would pray for me maybe God would be listening and well I don’t know. It’s okay if you can’t I won’t be able to sustain this way much longer anyhow.
very sad and very hurt
In light & love
I am~
Rev. Tamara
Tamara, from my experience you seem to be experiencing all the signs of total disillusionment with your life. While this sucks majorly…it is the most POWERFUL opportunity to finally witness (with Spirit) our own deeply hidden self-hatred (ego) so it can be healed once and for all. When our life appears to crash all round us like this, we get to see exactly where the ego is using others and our life situation to attack us. This is our UNCONSCIOUS GUILT. We get to witness it in all its ugliness. We all have it. And it needs to be seen first before it can be forgiven.
This is a crucial time because it’s the ego’s “breakdown” period and if we dedicate it to Spirit…it will morph into a BREAKTHROUGH! While it really seems unfair, while it really feels like others are attacking us – there is only ONE and that one is you. This is your very own unconscious self-hatred (guilt) being projected outward and coming back as attack. My sincere prayer for you is that your desire to heal this through forgiveness becomes your number one priority. When you forgive yourself for using others/life to attack yourself…then there will be no more need for you to feel victimized, nor to attract it. Then you can attract the experiences that your true Divinity is worthy of – Love, abundance, support, peace and joy.
With Love,
PS. Read Take Me to Truth if this feels right…
I am overwhelmed with gratitude, thank you Nouk for helping me to understand this wonderful teaching. After reading this nothing seems difficult anymore, I feel so liberated, I want to rush in and throw all my false beliefs on the altar of divine and holy love at once! Why hold on to it? My trust is growing and I’m so so grateful for your work. In love and gratitude, I honestly thank you, Katrien <3
Katrien, I am so filled with joy to hear that you are learning to TRUST in God’s endless Love!
With Love,
Nouk ๐
I like the forgiveness prayer to spirit, given as number 6 above… this for me is where we really get down to ACTUAL HEALING… in a way it’s almost like the part of forgiveness where you actually DO the transformation, although it’s more of an UN-doing, and an accepting of spiritual healing/help. All the other steps lead up to this final surrender. For me, things like ‘accept the atonement’ don’t really help me much, I need a more practical example e.g. do this, do that, ask this, say that, connect like this, etc… to show the way to how to actually perform the miracle. So thanks for this prayer example and the applicability of it.
Thanks Paul, so glad the prayer is a practical means to reach this goal ๐
Nouk ๐
Everything you say rings so true. It seems I have always known all of this but of course still lived in fear most of the time. I have relinquished so much of my own suffering and pain in this lifetime. I now find myself with great concern over the well being of my grandchild and great grandchildren. I see my granddaughter inflicting undue and unfair punishment on her children and it is like deja vu. It is so evident to me that I did these same dysfunctional things to her mother that were done to me.. and then I had a spiritual awakening but my grandchildren are being emotionally abused and I want so much to undo the hurt I seemingly caused. I know this is not real and it was my suffering that helped me to awaken. Can you help me.. my granddaughter can’t see what she is doing. I ask HS to help me and to give her unconditional love and forgiveness.. sometimes I fail to do so. I think there are times when we need psychological help first. Thank you so much for the love and healing you bring.
Judy, the ego thought system makes healing very complicated, and it believes that forgiveness/Atonement is too easy and therefore, not as effective or as quick as conventional healing. AS your trust in ONLY God’s Love increases, so will you see the results of healing within you and your daughter and grandchildren. To the degree you accept healing of your own guilt, is the extent to which they will heal. There is only ONE of us here. And this is the immense Power of the miracle. As painful as it is to watch the dynamic with your daughter and grandchildren…the healing is available right there in every moment you’re tempted to see suffering. I join with you in this healing…
With Love,
Nouk ๐
thanks NOUK!
This is a great way to understand FORGIVENESS and to PRACTICE it.
all these years,I was unclewar about it,
This,tours,is a great help
I am happy that the forgiveness process is clearer for you now Frans!
Well this really gave me a great relief
Thank you!
Superb post however I was wanting to know if yyou coud write a litte more on
his topic? I’d be verdy grateful if you could elaborate a little bit more.
Appreciate it!
You can read more in my bestselling book, The End of Death: You will also find a FREE chapter download from the Audio Book as well as other helpful material ๐
Hi Nouk, in your blog you write “You donโt need to understand the problem, you only need to accept the remedyโฆthe Atonement”. I find that when seeming problems arise that by seeing what is going on ie a pattern that has been playing out all my life; that I need to see that pattern as that is what creates the problem/lack of peace as it is a trigger, and by seeing the pattern and handing it over then peace once again arises. How does this fit into the model of guilt? It seems that by becoming aware of the patterns, then instead of reacting to the pattern, when next a seeming ‘problem’ arises we can come from a place of neutrality/peace, as through seeing the patterns we begin to let go of the concepts such as being a victim etc, and from that place of awareness we can then see it differently and ‘do it’ differently. Is the identifying with the concept of being a victim the projected guilt as it is identifying with the world and being a body that creates the idea that I can be a victim to anyone or anything and ultimately that I am a victim of God’s punishment?
Hi Kay, finding the pattern (original belief) that caused the suffering is a good thing. But sometimes we can get so hung up on trying to find that pattern that we miss the opportunity to just forgive the suffering. In other words, we can sometimes want so desperately to UNDERSTAND first BEFORE we are willing to forgive. Only the ego desires to understand first before being willing to forgive. And the ego can understand nothing. Forgiveness always precedes understanding. From real forgiveness comes true understanding.
Any belief we can be victimized arises from the fundmental belief that we are guilty and that God will punish us (which is impossible in truth). Hence all our anxiety regardless of the form comes from a deep seated EXPECTATION of punishment until we willingly exhume our fears and give them over to Spirit via the Atonement. Hope this helpsโฆ ๐
I have been on this journey for some time now. I have felt that for a long time, I have intellectually known what I wanted for myself, but I could not seem to actually possess/absorb it. Your writings have given me insight I had not seen before. I believe I can now read A Course In Miracles and get through it successfully. And I believe that my healing is going to come about now. I am so grateful. Thank you for your posts.
Karen, thank you! I am so grateful that you’re opening to more insights now. Here is a helpful post I made today:
With Love,
Nouk ๐
Thanks for explaining things like I was a 3 year old. I went to Course study groups to get info like this only to be attacked for my “lack” Jesus didn’t come to project and teach from guilt but to teach in Love and forgiveness teaching from upset never helps anyone.
Light and Love “O”
I am so glad this explanation was helpful! ๐
Short and sweet I’m going to remember the Atonement process by:
A. Acknowledge my wrong minded perception and express willingness to have it healed.
S. Surrender my errors to the Holy Spirit
A. Accept the Atonement
P. Peace is restored!
Came across your site by ‘accident’. Thank you so much – what I needed to hear now ๐
You’re welcome! ๐
Thank you – it’s comprehensive and makes the process crystal clear ๐
This has become a ‘classic’ go to prayer for me. Thanks Nouk and Sparo <3
Wonderful Marek! <3
I have been on every site and read a lot of books ….and what I have just read truly blew my mind…you really opened my world…after 6 yrs searching ..I think I have found what I was looking for…riddled with guilt…I felt I could not move on…I now am feeling so light I feel I have wings…thank you for explaning …… thank you…I feel as a new person
Wonderful Marie! ๐
Thank you so much and i am si grateful.
If the script is already written, and i am experiencing un untruthful situation, can I still hope and believe that it will change in my favor.
I appreciate your response so much.
Hi Zara, only the Holy Spirit’s script is written and cannot BE changed. The ego’s script does not exist. Please read this excerpt: Is the Script Already Written? : ๐
Thank you so much again. In your blog, atonement it say that spirit can not heal upsets by a person or problem.
In lesson 109 rest in God, it says that God can solve any problem, any appearence and heal any pain
So it means by solving any problem the appearence of the problem change as well. Is this coลrect undestanding of this lesson.
Grateful always
Zara, Holy Spirit heals the CAUSE of every seeming problem we have (sickness, pain, conflict, lack, etc) which is in our mind. It is the belief that we are guilty and that we deserve punishment by these problems. When He heals the CAUSE in our mind (by forgiveness)…then the EFFECTS (PROBLEMS) simply fall away. Please look through this important BLOG TOPIC DIRECTORY. You will find a list of all the topics that will help you: