Consistent and Certain Healing

Consistent and Certain Healing

We have all experienced the need for healing the body, whether it be from a cold to the flu to body aches/pains to disease. Jesus tells us that there is no hierarchy of illusions since all seeming discord in the body serves one and the same purpose, to prove that we...
A Personal Sense of Nonsense

A Personal Sense of Nonsense

When we understand that all is Mind, we accept that there is no matter, no material world, and no material body. Everything is objectified thought. How does thought experience anything then? Through a “sense” of something. The dictionary defines the word “sense” as...

An Insight into Overcoming the Body

I had asked Spirit for my trust to be deepened especially concerning the subject of the body as I know this is the last idol we willingly surrender to Spirit in its entirety. Jesus says that as our guilt is relinquished and the body is divinely re-purposed, the body’s...

Unworthiness and the Miracle

When we accept the Atonement, the miracle, what actually happens? Forgiveness is the relinquishment of guilt which is the singular cause of all forms of fear, judgment, grievances, conflict, shame, self-blame, concern, anxiety, worry, pain or illness, lack, etc. The...