Atonement is the divine undoing of guilt and fear in our mind. It is the undoing of the singular cause of all suffering. As explained earlier, Jesus has already accomplished the Atonement principle. He undid all errors including karma for everyone, for all time. The only reason we don’t experience full and total healing of the ego dream is because we are still too fearful of God’s Love. We don’t believe the Atonement/forgiveness will heal all. And if we don’t believe it then how on earth can we “accept” the Atonement? Accepting it requires a degree of trust and this trust comes about as we willingly surrender our faulty ego beliefs, values, laws and stories. (To unearth your unconscious fear of God, read this excerpt and exercise by clicking on this link)
“It is this that makes the holy instant so easy and so natural. You make it difficult, because you insist there must be more that you need do. You find it difficult to accept the idea that you need give so little, to receive so much. And it is very hard for you to realize it is not personally insulting that your contribution and the Holy Spirit’s are so extremely disproportionate. You are still convinced that your understanding is a powerful contribution to the truth, and makes it what it is. Yet we have emphasized that you need understand nothing. Salvation is easy just [because] it asks nothing you cannot give right now.” T-18.IV.7.
Invoking the Miracle ~ The Atonement Prayer
Let’s look at what true forgiveness is and what acceptance of the Atonement really means. Just what do we receive in that Holy Instant of healing? Atonement is the complete forgiveness of what never was. It is the forgiveness, the undoing of the single cause of the form of suffering, the one the ego appeared to make. Whether it be pain, disease, conflict, loss, scarcity or even death; when we accept Atonement for our mistaken perception of these, we accept healing (forgiveness) of the singular cause of them all, which is our guilt as unconscious self-attack.
“The offer of Atonement is universal. It is equally applicable to all individuals in all circumstances. And in it is the power to heal all individuals of all forms of sickness. Not to believe this is to be unfair to God, and thus unfaithful to Him.” M-22.6:1-4
The Atonement has already happened. Regardless of what your physical senses tell you, the world is already healed and so are you. It takes no time for this to occur because it is already here. However it does take time for you to learn to transfer your trust from the ego and its physical senses, to your inner Vision, your Holy Self. You can only value what you presently trust, and what you value you will see and thereby experience. As your trust in the miracle accelerates, you will value it and as a result, you will witness what you value.
The Atonement requires so very little from you. Yet it returns to you more than you can possibly imagine. When you sincerely accept the miraculous exchange of wrong-minded perception for Right-minded perception, your mind is brought back to God in that instant. This is the miraculous forgiveness process and it works. Below is a process of prayer that is meant to be practiced with deep conviction and devotion whenever you feel threatened by fear, anger, pain, sickness, depression, self-judgment, conflict, confusion, jealousy, scarcity or death, etc.
If you have an issue or person present or past, thatΒ is causing you suffering, you can take this through the following process. If it’s possible, get comfortable and take a few deep, relaxing breath’s. Make a conscious decision to “accept” yourself fully in this instant, regardless of any turmoil you might feel. Just deeply accept yourself with each breath, over-looking any judgments or self-judgments that may arise. Center yourself and drop within to your heart area, gently allowing your breaths to open this area to receive God’s healing Love. With each breath, let yourself begin to release the issue that has caused suffering. It may be your own pain or another’s. If you are concerned about another, you can heal for them through this process, by accepting the Atonement on their behalf. This will help to heal both of you.
You can quietly step yourself through this process and take in its powerful healing. As you do so, you will invoke the miracle. When you accept the Atonement, this is what you wholeheartedly agree to and accept:
I perceive___ (the form of the problem, issue, sickness or person)___as causing me to suffer. I recognize that this suffering is not God’s Will and that I have been mistaken in choosing to believe it. I don’t want to believe this suffering any longer. I ask You, Spirit, to heal my perception in this instant.
As much as I want the form of suffering to cease, I accept that I must desire to have my perception healed MORE than I want the seeming form of the problem healed
I accept that the singular cause of the problem regardless of the level of suffering, or where I see it, is my perception of the problem (guilt/fear)
I deny anything that is not of God’s Loving Will the power to hurt me or others. There is only one Power as God’s Will. The ego has no power unless I choose to believe it
I accept the divine undoing of the singular cause of my issue, which is always fear and guilt
I accept and I RECEIVE the Loving and healing Will of God to replace the ego’s wish for suffering
I claim and RECEIVE my eternal guiltlessness which is the Will of God. Fear and attack fall away as I claim my divine innocence
I accept abundant miracles as my Inheritance
I accept that my “will” is now joined as one with God’s Loving Will
I surrender my personal responsibility for the seeming problem, as I give it over to Spirit.
I accept that my Holiness reverses all the laws of the world
I accept that God’s Laws always over rule the ego’s laws of this world, i.e. sickness, pain, scarcity, conflict, death, etc.
I accept that healing in God is always certain and has already taken place, because healing is always God’s Will for me
I accept that my perception is healed, so the effects/symptoms MUST heal as well (the timing depends on my degree of trust in the miracle)
I accept that my only responsibility now is to trust implicitly that God’s Loving Will has ALREADY healed the cause of the problem, regardless of any continuing appearances to the contrary. Appearances are just that, appearances only and not real. I choose to trust implicitly in God’s Loving Will.
Thy Will be done…and so it is. Amen.
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
I accept that my Holiness reverses all the laws of the world! Thank you Nouk for this simplicity! I am finding myself as my own Cheerleading squad… and I am my own Band as well. The Power that I read as metaphor in the ACIM text and lessons are now taking on a whole new life as Literal Miracles… My Thinking is indeed changing the World I see. In as much as I have daily/hourly laughter that throws the dogs into confusion… “Does she want to play… maybe she is hungry?” Before I had rage that sent the dogs into panic… They would just leave me alone… now they come towards me… They are my best example of how the world is reflecting some significant changes in my thinking! Whoooo Hooooo!!!! xoxoxoxoxoCalico
Cheerleading, band plus newly inspired and joy-filled doggies…Can you imagine what further miracles are about to roll in?
<3 π
Please pray for me I’m in a financial battle no money my husband needs me and I want to be there to bless him and help him my car is treated to be taken away I ask God the holy one the most high the God Almighty to bring a miracle in my finances that will not only shock me but will banish the hate towards me from my enemies that want to see me down today Lord turn this situation around as I live in expantancy towards your miracle in advance Lord I say thank you..
May the infinite creator.. Grant you the miracle you need.. And may it refresh your memory of who you are.. Beloved child
Thank you. ?. Woof! Woof! ?
Thank you Nouk.
And love to the laughter and the wonderful dogs Calico
Hi Nouk
Thankyou, I am very grateful for this. You are an angel that continues to appear in my/our lives to bless us. God bless you.
So clear. So simple and useful. I feel amazingly blessed with all your posts. Now as I read ACIM it’s a whole new experience. It is coming alive and I feel as if I’m opening to the depths of its teaching. Thank you for being so clear and giving me such powerful tools for accepting the Atonement. This one in particular is very powerful.
With deep love and appreciation,
Mary Ann
Mary Ann, I am so happy that you’re seeing the REAL and LOVING message within the Course now! Amen <3
Love and hugs,
Thank you, Nouk, this was so powerful. I felt a cataclysmic shift In my perception and understanding. The healing has occurred and it shows up in my life to the degree that I accept. Blessed Be , I see the miracle all around me. I am so grateful to be on this path with you.
Love , Sally
Sally, I am so grateful too! What miracles are abounding now that we’re willing to ACCEPT them!
Nouk π
I accept and thank you Nouk for doing the work and for helping me do the same. I am already healed and accept Atonement for myself… <3
I feel totally accepted to myself and to God, I claim this healing now and forever. I just want to say Thank you Nouk from the bottom of my heart and soul and also thank you Tomas. I am healed…. What do I do now…
I am joining with you Rosemarie! We are healed together…
π <3
Thank you so much for your additional in-depth guidance to accepting God’s Love. There are times when I tighten in fear because of a desired outcome, such as the illness of my child. I recognize the cause, turn the issue over to the Holy Spirit, and eventually experience peace. Your added tools for introspection have been so helpful, Nouk. Thank you and God bless you.
I am so happy to hear that these teachings are helpful Lana!
With Love,
I just listened to you speak on Jennifer Hadley’s ACIM today, and turned immediately to your blog for the Atonement Prayer. What a blessing, the gifts you give the world. I plan to delve deeper into your blog and receive
more of your messages and Spiritual gifts. Thank you for being You.
Thanks Peggy, I am happy that this is helpful!
With Love,
Nouk π
I too listened to you on the ACIM and was truly inspired by your talk about Atonement. I went to your blog also to view the articles you have written. And to top it off, you are located in Santa Fe, NM, one of my favorite places! Looking forward to getting your book, End of the meantime, I’ll read your blog. π
Hi Nouk, I am doing the 40 day transformation with Lisa and woke this morning asking spirit for some guidance around an issue which had taken over my mind regarding my daughter. I went to my IPad and this page came up. Thank you for posting “the atonement prayer” the step by step process really shifted a huge block for me and has opened a pathway of understanding .. Tears of relief . I need do nothing, I get it finally . The joy and peace I feel right now is impossible to put in words. Thank you. I love you.
Wendy, I join you in this miraculous SHIFT in perception! Yes! You need do nothing! Yippee!
Now just TRUST completely and take the fear through the Atonement/forgiveness process each time it comes up. Holy Spirit knows what your heart desire and wants to give it you. Trust…
By the way, there are 2 other Atonement excerpts too:
Watch for my new book, The End of Death. The first Volume will be released Feb 14th in the USA. Might be a while though before it’s available in Australia…
Much Love,
Nouk π
Hi Nouk: I am looking for the attachment (to unearth your unconscious fear of God. It is in the article – Invoking the Miracle – The Atonement Prayer). Is it possible for you to e-mail me this attachment? I have been studying the ACIM since September 2010 and have found it very beneficial to my growth and also my health. I am very interested in how the ego works and how much destruction it has caused. Enjoy a peacefilled, joyfilled, lovefilled and wonderfilled day.
Hi Sandra,
Go to this page on my website: scroll down until you get to this particular exercise: Are you Fearful of God?
I hope you also have the new book? The End of Death…
Warmest Blessings,
Nouk π
By the way Sandra, we’ll be facilitating a 4-day Retreat in Ontario in August in case you’re interested. Here’s the link:
Amazing Grace. Thank you..
I canβt thank enough for your teachings.
Dear Nouk,
I just would like to say THANK you; the way you explain ACIM, everything you share in this website and in your wonderful books, it really is sooooo precious and helpful. You truly are an amazing and unique teacher, thank you for doing this work you do, thank you for being here.
Divine Blessings and big hugs to You,
Thank You dearest Jeanne! π