The End of Death, Volume 2; blog reference
The End of Death, Volume 2; copyright 2020
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Recently, it seems I’m learning about a whole new level of Holy Relationship. I recognize that the degree of depth and reverence attained in a relationship (including our Holy Self) depends on our willingness to develop key qualities. Yet these qualities are largely alien to the ego thought system therefore they appear to threaten it along with the special, conditional “love” that it idolizes.

A Holy Relationship with our Self and others, requires a high level of devotion and vigilance. The focus is on learning to be authentic, honest, vulnerable, inclusive and defenseless. This is the complete opposite of the ego’s goals of specialness, defense, secrecy, sacrifice and exclusivity. The Holy Relationship is centered on giving rather than the ego’s obsession with “getting”; through it we learn that GIVING IS INDEED RECEIVING.

Here are the seven powerful keys to Holy Relationships:

WILLINGNESS: The first attribute to acquire is the willingness to have every belief and value undone by Spirit. It is the willingness to be wrong and an eagerness to be shown all the unconscious blocks that obscure our awareness of Love’s eternal and uninterruptible presence. This calls for the willingness to face up to and confess that of the ego, we know nothing. Yet by the Spirit in us, the Truth can and will be revealed.

ACCOUNTABILITY: This is the recognition and acceptance that all our suffering is caused by just one culprit no matter how many varied forms it might appear to take. The ego is our own unconscious self-hatred projected outward onto others, our body and the world, to manifest as attack (conflict, betrayal, abandonment, sickness and pain, scarcity and death, etc.). Here is an unequivocal message from Jesus in A Course in Miracles,

“This is the only thing that you need do for vision, happiness, release from pain and the complete escape from sin, all to be given you. Say only this, but mean it with no reservations, for here the power of salvation lies:

 “I am responsible for what I see.

 I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve.

And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.”

– A Course in Miracles, T-21.II.2.

To the degree we’re willing to APPLY this principle is the extent to which we’ll be FREE FROM SUFFERING.

We accept that others, the body, the past and the world are all causeless because their primary underlying cause lay within our own mind. It is here, in our mind, that the singular source of all suffering is found and healed. This is true accountability where we do not judge or blame others, the body, or our self, for our own unconscious self attack. Therefore, we must learn to forgive our self for unknowingly using others, the body, the past and the world for the purpose of attack and separation.

DEFENSELESSNESS: Our safety lies in our willingness to be defenseless. Defenselessness is strength. It is the recognition of our innocent and Holy Self. It calls forth the Christ within and affirms our inherent invulnerability. When we defend we unknowingly reinforce attack. Whatever we fear or defend against, we will attract. In defense we make an opposite to God’s Love and we believe this opposite is a seemingly real opponent.

The persistent sense of threat that we experience arises from a deeply buried and nebulous sense of guilt. That guilt is the unconscious fear of God (Love) that arose when we mistakenly believed we separated from God and made duality. It is this guilt that spawns all fear and the many forms of suffering we seem to witness.

All forms of fear arise from our secret belief that we have sinned (separation) and now we require defense. Therefore, we expect punishment (from God) for that illusory belief. And because we have free will and use the power of God to materialize our unconscious choices, we unknowingly manifest our fears.

RADICAL SELF-HONESTY: It is through radical self-honesty and self-inquiry that we peel back all our erroneous beliefs, conditioning, stories and values to reveal our true feelings. And it’s by feeling whatever we have repressed without self-judgment that we can finally recognize and relinquish our defenses (to God’s Love as our Holy Self).

EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY/ INTIMACY (TRANSPARENCY): Expressing our emotional vulnerability ensures that we cannot be attacked. When we are honest and emotionally vulnerable we call upon Truth in our self and in others. Our safety depends on it. Expressing our emotional vulnerability encourages open-hearted emotional intimacy and guarantees our perfect immunity to the ego’s illusory threats in whatever form they may take.

TRUST: When we align our self with the qualities of willingness, accountability, defenselessness, radical self-honesty and vulnerability then we can afford to trust in the flow of life implicitly. We can trust others because we have learned to trust our Holy Self instead of the ego. We look past the egos of others and focus on the Truth within them. It is this trust that our faith calls out within them. What we choose to acknowledge in another is exactly that which we will manifest and experience. We decide this regardless of appearances. Do we choose fear and judgment? Or do we choose Love and trust?

GRATITUDE: Once we prioritize God as our chief goal we will view every seeming challenge as a forgiveness opportunity. Seeing it this way ensures that gratitude becomes our natural state. We experience a growing appreciation for those people in our life who mirror to us where we still harbor hidden judgment and unconscious self sabotage. Because of our shift in intent we will also experience boundless miracles which further confirm that only Love is real and that we are Love. Are we grateful for our willingness? Are we grateful for our accountability? Are we grateful for our defenselessness? Are we grateful for our radical self-honesty? Are we grateful for our vulnerability/transparency? Are we grateful for our trust?

“What you acknowledge in your brother you are acknowledging in yourself, and what you share you strengthen.” A Course in Miracles, T-5.III.3:5

A Practical Process to Assist you in IMPLEMENTING the 7 Key Principles

Do I resist implementing any of these Key Principles?

 If so, stay with that principle till the resistance falls away.  We must neutralize the (ego) resistance before we can integrate the 7 Key Principles fully.

Choose one of the 7 Key Principles and engage with that principle. In every instance you use it, feel into any resistance. And choose to REINTERPRET the resistance until you become less fearful. Then when you’re ready, choose to apply another Principle until that one becomes less fearful.

1) Willingness:  Am I completely Willing to do this? Am I willing to do ANYTHING that’s required of me in order for a healing to take place in my perception. Am I willing to offer up all the ego’s “sacred cows” for healing? This includes my romantic relationship, my family, my social life, my finances, my career or job, my health, my body, my mistaken self-concept, etc?

So the Willingness check points are: a) Am I feeling any resistance to doing this? If there is resistance, there is fear of God’s Love. Resistance is a sign that we’re not WILLING to trust God and therefore, to trust our Holy Self. b) Am I grateful for my willingness?

2) Accountability: Am I happy and filled with gratitude to accept that I and (nobody else), am fully accountable for everything that happens or that has happened to me in my life (without self-blame)?

So the Accountability check points are: a) Am I feeling resistance to this? If so, which areas do I wish to keep SEPARATE from God/Love/Healing?  b) Am I grateful to be 100% accountable for ALL my thoughts, feelings and actions (without self-blame)?

3) Defenselessness: Am I ok to drop all need to defend?  Is there really anything to defend myself against? Who or what am I defending myself from? The Holy Self is indestructible because it’s wholly innocent. It needs NO defense. The first sign of defense is to blame, so who blames and who defends?

So the Defenselessness check points are: a) Am I feeling resistance to practicing defenselessness? If there is no opposite of God/ my Holy Self, then why do I feel the compelling NEED to defend myself from anyone or anything? b) Am I grateful for my defenselessness?

4)  Radical Self Honesty: Am I being 100% radically self-honest with myself and everyone that I come in contact with? Are my thoughts, feelings, speech and actions all in line with my Truth? Or do I abandon my own Truth to appease the ego of others?

So the Radical Self Honesty check point is: a) Am I feeling any resistance to this? Am I more concerned with how others (egos) will receive my honesty (authenticity), rather than staying 100% authentically aligned in my Truth? b) Am I grateful for my radical self-honesty?

5) Emotional Vulnerability / Intimacy (Transparency): To what degree am I happy to express my emotions alone and with those I know and those I don’t know? Am I ok to shed a tear in public? Can I accept my own emotions and hold myself lovingly without shame or self-criticism?

So the emotional vulnerability/intimacy (transparency) check points are: a) Do I feel resistance to express my emotional vulnerability or to shed tears with others? b) Am I grateful for my emotional transparency?

6) Trust: I can afford to trust God implicitly as I learn to trust my Holy Self. But in order to know and TRUST my Holy Self, I must unlearn my false-self. I can trust others because I am learning to trust my Holy Self. I am learning to see and trust the Christ in all as I trust the Christ in me. Do I trust that all my needs are met by God? Do I trust that I can safely surrender every one of my compulsions to control (relationships, family, finances, the body, health, income, job, etc.) over to Holy Spirit?

So the Trust check point is: a) Am I feeling any resistance surrender it all over to Holy Spirit? b) Am I grateful to surrender it all over to Holy Spirit?

7)  Gratitude: As I prioritize Holy Spirit’s guidance in my life, I will view every seeming challenge as chance for a miracle, a chance for a divine shift in my perception.

Am I grateful to exchange ALL my past experiences, values and beliefs for Holy Spirit’s Thought System? Am I grateful for this miraculous Default Thought System, inviting it to completely take over every one of my decisions and reactions from now on? Am I happy to do this?

So the Gratitude check points are:  Do I feel grateful for number 1 – Key Principle?

Do I feel grateful for number 2 – Key Principle? Do I feel grateful for number 3 – Key Principle?

Do I feel grateful for number 4 – Key Principle? Do I feel grateful for number 5 – Key Principle?

Do I feel grateful for number 6 – Key Principle?

Do I resist implementing any of these Key Principles? If so, stay with practicing that principle till the resistance falls away.  We must neutralize the (ego) resistance before we can integrate the 7 Key Principles fully.






The 7 Keys to Authentic Communication

by Nouk Sanchez | A Manual for Holy Relationship - The End of Death Vol. 2