Copyright 2016 Nouk Sanchez
Ahhh, the agony of self-doubt. I am humbled once again…on my knees, tears trickling down my cheeks. The ego is freaked out yet I recognize the real value beneath this feeling coming forth. I know that in my breaking down there is always a miraculous breakthrough. And this is where I’m at right now. The ego has been resisting this for quite some time but when I woke up this morning, I just could not hold back the emotion that led to the discovery and consequent release of the suppressed and fearful belief that spawned it.
These deeper teachings of Jesus present the FINAL phase of healing the dream of fear and they represent the most blasphemous teachings of all time. This is indeed the END of the ego’s central dream of death. This period heralds the end of the whole ego dream while it joyfully portents the emergence of the Real World. This is massive! Nothing more epic than this, has happened since time itself began.
This past 12 months have been a gigantic learning curve for me; sweeping changes within my perception, my life, my relationships and the way my purpose is taking form. Perhaps the greatest of these shifts was an initiation into what I call the Circle of Peace. It was an entirely new level of experience…one that left me literally speechless.
I still cannot find the words to describe the knowing that arose from that experience. Perhaps I will once I have come to a completely undivided state.
The only thing I can share is this: I sat with Jesus in a boundless, golden Circle of Peace. There was a prerequisite to entering this Circle and that was CERTAINTY. I had to have undivided certainty about WHAT I was in God’s eyes. I had to know unequivocally that I was guiltless, that I was pure innocence.
And in that knowing, arose an untainted memory of the glory of my Inheritance as God’s Child. This state of innocence was unprecedented. It was entirely holographic. There was nowhere that my innocence was not. I saw it in everyone, everywhere even within all the dimensions of time. It completely eradicated the past…not just for me, but for everyone who had ever dreamed apart from God.
It’s an impossibility to even contemplate a fearful thought in this state of innocence. The sanctity of our Identity cannot BE threatened. And we KNOW it here in this state of awareness. Our innocence IS our indestructibility. It’s a certainty. We have no unmet needs here. In fact there’s such an explosion of joy that it’s just unfathomable to the false self.
I was graced with this profound experience a few times last year however with all the moving and shaking that went on at the form level, it seemed I could not depth the necessary “prerequisite” (remembering my innocence) in order to re-enter this state long enough to embody its teachings.
This may seem way too simple, but the fundamental key to accessing that undefiled memory of our innocence came through a complete SURRENDER to RECEIVING. I need DO nothing! Literally. This is where words fall desperately short of extending the full impact of this experience.
After 26 years of undoing, learning, writing and teaching, in this Circle of Peace, Jesus revealed the simple secret to overcoming the whole dream of separation. This is the complete reversal of the ego thought system which involves the literal reversal of all the laws of world. Jesus told us that He had overcome the world through His resurrection. There is a secret waiting to be rediscovered. And once it is revealed and embodied unflinchingly, fear along with all its illusory manifestations, will simply cease to exist.
Healing the sick and raising the dead depends upon the embodiment of this ONE simple but crucial principle:
Everything other than this involves a separate self who believes it is responsible for DOING something to heal. Yet God’s healing is already done! It is already complete. It does not require time in order to manifest. Just ***R.E.C.E.I.V.E*** Any effort to heal or problem solve always arises from a false self believing in a false condition.
Am I Worthy? Can I Complete this Task?
Getting back to my breaking-down this morning; I really crumbled. Or should I say… the ego did. So what was the catalyst for this meltdown? Heart to heart, some of you may be familiar with the depth of my commitment to truly embody Jesus’ deeper teachings in A Course in Miracles. It’s been a monumental undertaking and I still feel somewhat of a pioneer in these “end of death” teachings.
I don’t know of anyone who consistently reverses all the laws of the world; one who teaches through DEMONSTRATION as Jesus did 2000 years ago. I know of no one who is instantly and consistently healing the sick and raising the dead via the miracle. If there were one miracle-worker in the world that was witnessing and demonstrating at this advanced level of trust, then the entire ego dream would collapse upon itself very rapidly.
For 26 years I have been driven to understand, to live and to teach Jesus’ deeper teachings. While there have been increasing miracles these past two years, there has also been an acceleration of frustration for me. It’s inner conflict over my perceived purpose.
There is a yearning, a burning desire arising from within to finally complete a Sacred Agreement that I made eons ago. This is undeniable and unstoppable. The conflict I feel is that of “self-doubt.” The closer I seem to get to actually becoming an unequivocal demonstration of Jesus’ teaching, the more vicious the temptation to doubt.
Recently, since my first experience with Jesus in the Circle of Peace around 8 months ago, I felt an unmistakable command urging me to prepare for entry into an upcoming state of QUARANTINE. The purpose? To create the necessary Sacred Space to go deeper into this Circle of Peace; and to become a literal miracle-worker. But there appeared to be all kinds of seeming obstacles to this possibility.
One of the most exacerbating of these obstacles was that my income had dried up. Our small nonprofit, Take Me to Truth, Inc was not receiving enough donations to pay me a wage. This was coupled with what felt like the end of an era for me.
After 10 years of teaching, writing and traveling to deliver workshops, I was well and truly DONE with all the “doing.” Strong inner guidance urged me to quit conventional teaching to make way for a much more profound means of healing. However…this miraculous means of healing could not reveal itself UNTIL I had actually relinquished formal teaching and stopped all the “doing.”
A Flood of Tears
This morning I awoke in a flood of tears. The time has come…whether I feel ready or not. For 26 years it was my absolute joy to learn, to write and to teach. But now it seems that all this has had to fall away. There is nothing in me any longer that wants to teach in the old way. Yet I don’t know what is to come to replace it. I must let go…and let God.
Another area of uncertainty is that I have two incredibly valuable, unpublished books that still require editing before they can be published; these are Volume Two and Three of The End of Death.
My wonderful editor/publisher recently announced that she has retired from publishing, so I am now on my own with publishing The End of Death trilogy. Our nonprofit foundation has undergone an uncomfortable yet necessary restructure and repurpose. But it has not as yet recovered enough to fund the two books being published or to financially support me during this crucial period of quarantine.
In tears this morning, I let it all out. I felt so weary from this recent inner conflict. I must honor this period of quarantine…but how will I live? If I don’t formally teach, who will support me?
And then these questions came, gently and lovingly. “Am I worthy? Can I receive?” The time has come to ask for help. This morning I asked Spirit to help me.
I have no idea where I am going (my perception) or how it will be done. After all…it won’t be me who does it. All I do know is that I’ve reached the end of THIS road; the familiar one. And there is no way I am giving up. Instead, I surrender to God. And I trust that in my surrender, all my needs will be met.
I thank you for joining me on this journey. The greatest gift that I can give you is to heal my OWN mind. I feel called to pierce a large enough hole in the ego’s thought system, to free us all from the stranglehold of its gravitational pull. Is this arrogance? Or is this exactly what Jesus came to teach us? As I claim the Atonement for my Self, I claim it for everyone as the ONE Child of God. Amen.
“There have been many healers who did not heal themselves. They have not moved mountains by their faith because their faith was not WHOLE. Some of them have healed the sick at times, but they have not raised the dead. Unless the healer heals HIMSELF, he does NOT believe that there is no order in miracles. HE has not learned that EVERY mind that God created is equally worthy of being healed because GOD CREATED IT WHOLE.” – Jesus in A Course in Miracles, Urtext
With boundless Love and gratitude,
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
Noun! I want to share with you the key to ending this illusion of money. The link is:
It is Jesus message for this moment in time. I LOVE You.
Nouk ; Nouk , I don’t know anyone who is following the prescription of Jesus in ACIM ,to get back the memory of God and the acceptance of what we , the Sonship , are in truth!! Congratulations , Grace Moores. I will seek within to see if my ‘tithe’ money should go your way in 2016.
Grace…you’re precious. Thank you for holding my hand as we walk this Victory Lap <3 Love you xoxox
You are definitely a blessing to me and so many more. And, I am making a commitment to do that which I may, to be of service. Blessings to you, dear Nouk, be patience as the miracle unfolds and as this community grows exponentially and shines as one.
Much love and gratitude ~<(:oD)=BigSmileKirkn
Nouk, I am deeply touched by this! Your heart is being ripped open and you are so transparent! Thank you for sharing your soul. Love and blessings. In the asking is the receiving, right? You don’t need to answer that!
Love and light, Tere
Yes Tere! In the asking IS the receiving. And my test was to ASK 😉 That is all. It doesn’t matter what comes from it…but at least I have CONSENTED to RECEIVE God’s Love in the perfect “form” and I have no idea what that is…and I am at peace. Love you! Thank you for your beautiful message <3
I was led by HS earlier this year to tithe to Nouk. I have never given that 10% off the top, as many times as I have planned to in the past (in very detailed and twisted terms no less!), and so far this year my earnings have been less than $350. BUT, I have set the intention to deny the “facts” of lack, of the body & the ego, and go where I Am led. If you are reading this comment, I’m sharing spirits call with YOU.
By the way, Nouk, This ego is freaking out too! But to paraphrase Eckhardt Tolle: what happens to the freak out if you don’t mind that you’re freaking out? While there might be some breathing into paper bags until my first payday (and beyond!), I will be watching myself with the most loving, knowing smile.
Today I begin a new career as a traveling inventory auditor throughout the northeast US. I’m going out there with the desire to exude God’s shining Love & Truth in every moment. And more than that: I freaking intend to heal myself and raise the dead with you! Thank you for inviting me to the Total Transformation journey! Let’s do this! (Or rather, let’s get done by This!)
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
<3 ~S
"I once was a man. Now I am the space in which that man once stood." -Someone Up There
Wow Sarah! Thank you for your devotion to this path! I Love you…I can hardly wait to see all the miracles that will come from this! <3 xoxoxox
Thank you my beloved Sister. I can relate to your journey. I too have not completely healed myself. I think ime trusting in Jesus but am I really giving it all up. Going through many tears and frustration with my present conditions. Trying to follow guidance and to not be fooled by that tricky bastard , the ego. I know we will get through this because it is God’s Will. You inspire me to keep trusting no matter what seems to be happening in the dream. I feel your heart within mine. I don’t have much excess money at this moment but will find some for you. I love you. Lloyd???
Oh Lloyd, you’re a sweetheart…thank you <3
I feel joined with you. I KNOW that we are perfectly "on track" despite whatever the ego tempts us to believe. There is mega healing taking place and we're about to RECEIVE it all! Time for celebration as we open to this!
Holding you in the light of God's Vision Lloyd, Love you!
Dear Nouk,
Rest quietly in the Light of God. You are in fact exactly where you should be in all ways. I know you have no doubt in what you have been lead to do.
About 3 months ago, after having studied for 20 years, lived and taught the Course, a burning desire arose that I no longer wanted or needed to study ACIM in the same way any longer. There was the feeling, or inspiration that it was time to go deeper into a complete release. As a practicing lawyer ,husband and father of 4 children, I have provided many learning experiences that required the “implementation ” of the Truth in ACIM. I have been inspired by Yeshua to teach “where the rubber meets the road” so to speak. So after 20 years, I felt the need to run down that last road of the concept of death and the fear of our True Holy Self, the Christ , the innocent Self that we are. But how do I get to that acceptance of my Innocence? I had inspiration that would not leave me alone. I clearly heard Yeshua say….”there is a new writing… words for you to read”. Then shortly thereafter, about a month ago I came across your book…The End of Death. Wow! I was stunned as I began to read. All I can say is thank you. Thank you. I call your book a miracle. It is water in the desert for those of us who love the Course and yet know it’s time to raise the dead and cure the sick. About 15 years ago Yeahua physically appeared to me. The condensed story of my experience can be read at I know that there are many ready for the deeper, higher, more focused teaching that you are bringing through. In fact, two weeks ago I was compelled to mention your book to the ACIM class I co teach at Wingsbookstore in St Petersburg Fl. The owner and longtime ACIM teacher, Sharon, was then inspired by Yeshua to ask me to teach the next class based on your book. I jumped at the chance to do so…, what a class! I could tell it woke some sleepy minds that needed a deeper realization of the Truth. I called your book a miracle for me. And before I began the class, Sharon was inspired to read lesson 106 aloud to the group. In this lesson, Yeshua says…”.and listen to the Word that lifts the veil that lies upon the earth…” Then, turning to lesson 276, Yeshua asks…”What is the Word of God? And answers…”My Son is Pure and holy as Myself”.
And so Nouk, you know you are so inspired. You know that the key to lifting the veil of death that lies upon the earth is accepting the Word of God. You are Pure Innocence. Pure. Innocence.
I know, and join with you, I agree with you, that you will be supported and nurtured and provided for . It is done. We travel a journey that is long since done. We rest now in Heaven and “do” our earthly work from “there”.
Dear Paul,
I am deeply touched by your openhearted sharing here. It brought tears of gratitude to my eyes. I feel such joy to know there are others (not many yet 😉 ) like your self, who are willing and ready to take Yeshua’s teachings all the way. Truly, I feel so blessed! I can feel the momentum…
I take your Loving message into my heart. I thank you for walking this Path with me…with US.
Joining you in HIS Light, Love and JOY,
Dear Nouk,
It’s so interesting that you can feel the “momentum” and that you chose those words. After I spoke about your book and led our ACIM group a couple of weeks ago, the next day I asked Yeshua “now what….where to go from here”?. His answer was ” don’t let this go….don’t drop it….this has MOMENTUM.” Nouk, you can feel it . You obviously know it. But thought you could use as much encouragement as possible? . Again thank for your amazing work and sharing your absolutely miraculous insights. You are a blessing to the Awakening of us All.
If there is anything I can help you with just ask. In the meantime, I will continue in the momentum that that Yeshua encourages and that you have inspired !
A heartfelt thank you Paul. I am filled with joy to know we are joined in this Divine MOMENTUM. More to come – joyously!
Hi Nouk,
I am led to follow up on my previous posts so that you will know that in fact it is possible to raise the dead and cure the sick.
This is a very condensed version of what happened shortly after reading your book.
My father, Peter, passed away in April 2016, shortly after I had read your book. My previous posts tell of the impact that your writing had on my 20 years of Course study and of Jesus appearing to me and of the painting. The end result of reading your book was the “jelling” within me that in fact, there is no death. It is a fact. It is the Truth. Only our Holiness is Real. It is a Fact. It is the Truth.
Your book pushed me beyond the intellect, into the knowing of this as fact. I settled into this Truth.
As my father was within a few days of what the dream calls death, I sat with him for periods of time, holding to the Truth that, “Dad, there is no death, only our Holiness is Real. You are now in Paradise. There is no death”. I sustained this thought gently, knowing of its Truth.
My dad was sitting in his chair as I sat with him, silently repeating this prayer of Truth. Yeshua was very much within this “prayer” with us.
At one point, he quietly opened his eyes, smiled at me and said, rather excitedly, “my name is not Peter, my name is not Peter. !”
Then, touching his own leg and tugging repeatedly at his shorts, he said…”this (referring to his body), is not me…this is not me”!
And he smiled and closed his eyes. Several days later he transitioned. And I knew, that in fact, he had remembered his , our, eternal life, as he was no longer under the spell of death. He had been raised from the dead…and so had I.
Thank You so much for your work. It made all the difference.
Peace of Love,
Oh Paul! Your dad’s “awakened” response just pierced my heart with such joy that I’m in tears. What a Holy Instant of healing at such a deep level! Wow. I feel such a depth of gratitude for you, your dad and Yeshua. I can feel this mega healing is rippling right throughout the Sonship as we speak. Tears of thankfulness abound.
Paul? Would you mind me sharing this healing publicly with our facebook group, and on my facebook page? I can make it anonymous if you wish…but please let me know? If not, that’s okay too. No pressure. With Love, Nouk 🙂
Nouk, …I would love it if you shared with your Facebook group and anyone else you feel led. Don’t make it anonymous. We have one reason for sharing as much as possible, and that is to Light the way Home. It’s time to follow the yellow brick road, to tap the heels, and know that there is no place like Home, no place for any of us, but the peace and tranquility of the Paradise that waits upon on acceptance.
Yes..yes yes! Share it!
Again, your work was an answer to my prayer to move beyond the intellect and into the “felt Truth”.
Please stay in touch.
Peace of Love,
Paul, thank you. I shared it on my facebook page and our group. Here are just a few comments:
Carmen Kraster _/||_
Sally Patton Thank you, Nouk, for sharing this. it spoke to me on many levels.
Silvia Bianco So beautiful! Thank you!
Nunu McCraw ❤⚘
Hanna Stenmark ?
Sharon Lewis · Friends with Myron Jones and 8 others
Thank you
Jasmin Schiwy Halleluja…????
Alicia Mota ???tears of joy and gratitude.
Thank you
Winni Frost It reminds me of Jesus. Somewhere, maybe in the Urantia book, we are told that he actually resurrected 3 years before the crusifiction. A reminder to me that we must overcome death while we are still in the body.
Thank you.
Michelle Murphy Wow beautiful, my name is not Michelle, this is not me! I love it, really see that that us where all my suffering is. I am never upset for the reason I think!
Alexandra Christokat Wow, so beautiful!!! ❣️❣️❣️???
Rosanna Phare Wow ??
Merel Greenfield · 9 mutual friends
This touched my heart❤️
Rita Chance Beautiful
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Thank you Nouk. The feedback so so helpful on this journey. I am reminded to share that a key part of this experience…..this Truth….was when Yeshua corrected my thought from “my Holiness is my salvation ” to ” our Holiness is our salvation “. I was puzzled at first when this came through as Lesson 39 and 58 use the word “my”. But after being guided to use the word “our”, I felt the presence of the Joining in truth ….the light…the shared happiness of light and peace that we are, and can not but help share. Only our Love can be shared. This can become more real to us as we accept…as we finally get so tired of trying to control an illusion, that we finally and gently, rest in the Love of God. And then trust trust trust, only that. Trust only in what can not be seen.
It feels like that tonight at Wings Bookstore in St. Petersburg this is what Yeshua wants me to share and learn.
Again, thank you so much!
Peace of Love,
Paul Cardillo
Thanks Paul again. Yes, our Holiness is shared and can’t be known in isolation. So happy you’re living this! With great gratitude and Love!