What Can a Pill Do?

What Can a Pill Do?

I love breakthroughs. And one of these came about for me as a result of a physical challenge recently. I am well aware of the bad rap Jesus gives to “magic.” Although magic pills and potions (medicine both conventional and holistic) are not harmful in themselves He is...

The Certainty of Healing

Another layer of these teachings is thankfully settling in more deeply now. A pivotal aspect of Jesus’ teaching involving the body’s True and only purpose as a “communication device” is finally showing itself more clearly for me. The Holy Spirit uses the body only for...

A Little Bird with a Big Lesson

I want to share a recent lesson of mine. It came in an uncomfortable form but I feel that it has clarified and precipitated yet another level of trust for me. The moment I feel fear, pain or concern for myself or anyone else, I have abandoned my Holy Self where all...

Unworthiness and the Miracle

When we accept the Atonement, the miracle, what actually happens? Forgiveness is the relinquishment of guilt which is the singular cause of all forms of fear, judgment, grievances, conflict, shame, self-blame, concern, anxiety, worry, pain or illness, lack, etc. The...
My Sacred Agreement

My Sacred Agreement

Copyright 2016 Nouk Sanchez  Ahhh, the agony of self-doubt. I am humbled once again…on my knees, tears trickling down my cheeks. The ego is freaked out yet I recognize the real value beneath this feeling coming forth. I know that in my breaking down there is always a...