I did ask with great passion for every conceivable conscious and unconscious block to Love, to be revealed and healed in my mind via forgiveness. Therefore, it is impossible to deny the present speed-up that I am experiencing. This process has quickened considerably for me this past few months. It really feels like warp-speed! As I witness core defenses (unconscious attraction to suffering and death) coming up to be seen and relinquished, the ego attempts its usual backlash tricks. However I’m sensing an ever increasing inner surge of Truth along with the undeniable joy that inevitably accompanies such an experience.
For me, part of this speed-up includes observing an escalating phenomenon since The End of Death Volume One was published in February 2014. These deeper teachings of A Course in Miracles about literal miracles and the end of death are in extreme opposition to the ego’s beliefs about everything we value here in this world; and they are even more blasphemous and therefore incredibly threatening to the spiritual ego. As I’ve mentioned before, if I had encountered these wondrous teachings a few years back they would have triggered my own defenses for sure!
I feel an inner (and outer) acceleration that’s difficult to describe. In order to break through the ego’s completely non-negotiable fear paradigm based on its central dream of death, a massive momentum is building. And this involves quite a few of us who hear the same Calling. I get it now, that this, the grandest of all paradigm flips from fear, to joy and Love requires an enormous surge of Divine G-Force (single-Mindedness) in order to finally pierce through the ego’s gravitational pull once and for all. I feel an ever increasing urge to be undivided and uncompromising with these deeper teachings of Jesus.
Just when I thought I would develop more tolerance (compassion) toward the ego’s mis-creations, there is less. I feel an inner calling to embrace uncompromising self-honesty to a level I had never imagined before. As a result there is less tolerance to mindlessness. I am reminded that time itself can waste as well as be wasted, especially when there is a lack of self-honesty and now-moment mindfulness.
Sometimes it can be quite uncomfortable as this takes place, yet I recall that it’s only the ego that fears the impending loss of separation and suffering.
My experience recently has been filled with extraordinary miracles and a deepening of trust in God’s Loving Will as my own True Will. Honestly, there is not much left that Nouk tries to control or manipulate apart from Spirit these days. It really is a stripping away process, one which is stripping away my unconscious attraction to suffering, leaving only joyous miracles in its wake.
I must confess that I was recently triggered by one of these “undoing opportunities”. It hit a place deep in my core. Here was another wonderful chance to ask the Teacher within for healing and clarity. This opportunity came in the form of an innocent and seemingly innocuous statement from another Course teacher and student. In the fourth and last stage of an apparent terminal cancer, he displayed all the “appearances” of someone close to death.
For someone in his predicament this statement was not unusual, especially coming from a long time spiritual seeker. It seemed to echo a spiritually sound intention, and one which I have heard and agreed with many times before in my life. He said, “I want to die consciously.” And before I knew it…an inner alarm bell ripped through me.
As he expressed these words that he believed to be true, I felt a deep and cold shudder resounding inside me. My immediate yet silent question was, “What is wrong with this intention?” As the inner Answer arose, I saw that with this question I was now seriously trespassing upon the ego’s most revered territory, the greatest and most defended of all its idols – death.
The Answer I received was breathtakingly simple; its logic, unequivocal.
“Death and God cannot co-exist. They are mutually exclusive. As such you cannot die consciously. To believe you can succumb to death is to be unconscious. Death is an expression of the unconscious fear of God’s Love as Self.”
To be “conscious” means to choose Love and Life with God, to be single-minded. God does not see death because it does not exist. Therefore, to say, “I wish to die consciously”, is an unseen contradiction. This is a clear example of the insanity of the unconscious split-mind. It’s like saying this: “I wish to experience physical death (which is in opposition to God). But I want to do it consciously with God.” It is an impossibility!
If death is real there is no God. If God is real there is no death. God is all-encompassing Love and Life with no opposite. Death denies life which is God.
I am not attacking the intent to die consciously here. I am simply bringing un-truth or confusion to the light of Truth for myself and anyone who wishes to join me. There are many (most, lol!) who still believe that death is not only the natural outcome of life (God) but that it is both legitimate and inevitable. I am simply challenging the confused BELIEF that there could be both God and death. If we believe that death is inevitable then unknowingly, we will fear God (our Holy Self) and perpetuate the ego because unconsciously we will assume that death comes from God. And a God whom we still believe sanctions death will never be trusted!
Unquestioned statements such as: “when I die”, “before I die”, “when I get old” or “here is my bucket list”, arise from the unconscious expectation (our will) of sickness, aging and death to come save us from fully awakening. This awakening is an embodiment of the unspeakable healing and joy of our God’s Self and Life while in a body; what Jesus calls the Real World dream. However because our ego will here is as powerful as God’s, He cannot save us from our un-relinquished prayer for suffering and death.
As Jesus repeats in the Course, we do not go home through death! In death the ego thought system is retained because the fact that we believe we have been victimized by it (suffering) proves the ego pursues us even after seeming death. (To read more about death as the ego’s central dream, please read: Why Jesus’ Teaching is the Quickest of all Spiritual Paths
I share all of this while maintaining awareness that many if not most on the Course’s forgiveness Path nevertheless do believe in the ego’s fear and suffering paradigm; not realizing yet that they cannot truly forgive (heal) something they still believe is real. To believe something is to “value” it. Believing that which the body’s senses state is real and true is a continuation of valuing fear over Love.
We will carry on experiencing the painful effects of our unquestioned beliefs until such time as we are ready and willing to exhume and heal them via the miracle of forgiveness, the Atonement. Until then, if we believe the body can be victimized by sickness and death, we will not realize nor accept that the ego-mind made the appearance of the body, sickness and death. Yet these appearances can just as easily be undone by the miracle; a shift in perception.
Remember the Course’s number one miracle principle: “There is no order of difficulty in miracles.” And the reason is this, that all suffering regardless of seeming severity is illusion; it is UN-real. As such it was never part of God’s ever present Love, joy and reality and therefore does not exist. When we genuinely ask for forgiveness of our wrong-minded belief in suffering, when we wholeheartedly ACCEPT Spirit’s miraculous perceptual shift (miracle)…then the painful illusion must fall away; that is if we show-up to receive it fully.
On a lighter note, I am reminded that it’s so much more joyful to willingly die to who I think I am (ego), before the ego kills the body! 😉
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
This could not have been more perfectly timed – and even as I say that I know in all things, it is Always Right Timing. Yet, this was breath-taking to read just now. Affirming, right down to cold dread of recognition the necessity of our total commitment to Truth in the way we interact within our own being, and without with those on this journey with us. Thank you for your devotion and your clarity as you share from the wealth of your experience. We really are Awakening, and this final leg of the Journey With No Distance is, indeed, heavily reinforced. Bless you and may the Holy Spirit that Lights our Mind be felt and embraced by our Precious Oneness. Utter Gratitude to you Nouk.
Oh thank you Janine for boldly moving forward with me (us)! What a joy!
Infinite Love 🙂
NOUK…..Bloody Brilliant!!! I can’t stop laughing. I could actually hear your voice in parts of that! I’m with you all the way. I hope you come to Ireland again cause I really want to meet you and say, Sister…”you’re bloody brilliant” in my best Australian accent!
Jo, thanks for the laugh! And I will be coming to present a MIRACLE WORKING Retreat in Ireland in Sept next year. So see you then 😉 The Miracle Network are hosting me and my co-facilitator, Sparo Vigil. 🙂
Thankyou Nouk for your unwavering love and open expression on all of your revelations ……..it’s so awesome to share this path with such great friendships and commitment to be of service for the good if all ……the course has certainly been the most amazing path of unravelling and is such a Path that is always now,now now …..and I am certainly very grateful for all that you truly share Nouk …….your loving commitment is felt in all of your sharing ……………Amen to thy will be done ………as I stand back and allow the perfect guide to lead the way …………….Miiracles miracles miracles…….God Bless you NOUK ….
Pauline, I am so grateful for you too! Thank you for joining this great crusade! We are awakening together…Abundant miracles unleashed!
Nouk 🙂
“On a lighter note, I am reminded that it’s so much more joyful to willingly die to who I think I am (ego), before the ego kills the body! ;-)”
Now I get thoughts:
both ego and body are illusory – they both seem to be real because of the meaning i give them – so in my view, in the transition called death my identification with body slips away – yayy! – and if I stay awake /conscious in that awesome moment/ I may more easily slip right back into my I AM spirit, and not into a new incarnation 🙂
Leelah, please DO read The End of Death. As you will see, when we allow physical death to “take” the body (through aging, disease, accidents, etc), we unknowingly DEMONSTRATE to our self and the world…that the BODY is more powerful than GOD in our Mind (Holy Self,). We are asked by Jesus to awaken FROM this ego dream OF THE BODY. Not just IN it as many have before us. We awaken FROM the dream by demonstrating that the MIND and not the BODY has complete DOMINION over everything the ego previously made to attack and separate us from God. HEre is a quote about the FINAL departure from the body…from Jesus, Lesson 294: THE BODY: ” And yet a neutral thing does not see death, for thoughts of fear are not invested there, nor is a mockery of love bestowed upon it. Its neutrality protects it while it has a use. And afterwards, without a purpose, it is laid aside. It is NOT SICK NOR OLD NOR HURT.” 🙂
Nouk, your razor sharp clarity strikes right at the heart of the ego’s sacred fear/belief; death, suffering final stages of cancer. There is no end to the horrible thoughts the ego gladly takes you. This is where conscious mindfulness comes into play. It is our responsibility to change our minds and remember who we are. The One and Holy Son of God, with a radiant divine mind that is life eternal.
Thankyou Lynne! Yes, yes! 🙂
I also have a friend who is “dying” of cancer (not a Course student) who is using this same terminology of “conscious dying”, and another friend who is distraught over this impending death. When I heard all this in a recent conversation, it was as if I was watching an old movie with old ideas. How could one be consciously dying? It’s more about acceptance, full belief in death! The ego paradigm of death, of separation, is being revealed – thanks to you, Nouk, and your deep listening to our brother, Jesus – as the ultimate sham that it is! As we shift our powerful minds to the absolute certainty of God, in God, as God, the illusion of death can no longer dominate our minds. It is “time” to stay absolutely focused in God, as God, moving, breathing, extending . . .
Love you and joining with you, Nouk, and all of these Mighty Companions – Marianne
Marianne yes…”conscious dying” is more about the full ACCEPTANCE of death as a Power GREATER than God whose Will it is that we LIVE! And that the conscious death pathway…is another spiritual pathway other than ACIM’s Path of collapsing time/death/suffering through MIRACLES.
Thank you for joining in RIGHT-MINDEDNESS with us! Love you!
Nouk, thanks for this. I’ve been looking forward to your blog entries! This is timely, as I’ve been straddling between the spiritual sight of bodies as unreal/ghosts and of spirit. It’s an uncomfortable place, because I feel like I know (not perceive — not anymore) that bodies are unreal; but, I do not fully know the perfect spirit yet. It’s like being caught in a cliffhanger. In Oneness!
Hi Paige, this is the COMPLETE REVERSAL of all we’ve ever valued. So it seems to take time to undo it all. You WILL know the perfect Spirit just as soon as your trust transfers completely to Spirit as your Holy Self. You cannot fail! 😉
Thanks Nouk. Your opening paragraphs resonated strongly… we’re going through what seems like a much more intense pull toward trusting in and performing miracles, aligning with Holy Spirit, and receiving that `calling` to demonstrate that this world is just an illusion.
When you also said that a miracle is a shift in perception… what sprang to mind (I know this is a common phrasing, but)… is that perhaps we should say instead – the miracle is a shift in PROJECTION, since we first project then perceive. If we are shifting our projections then obviously we are shifting the images we call our bodies and all manner of expressions that emenate from the mind. In this light, the mind literally is projecting everything in and of the dream, and can change that projection at any time. It will appear to those in the dream as a total defiance of the `laws of the dream` like physics, biology, fake cause and effect, etc… but it is simply that the mind has total power over this dream, since it’s dreaming it. lol Lucid dreaming?
I agree also that conscious death is just another spiritualization of the ego, like `I will die holy` or some such nonsense. An oxymoron. But maybe this was the best hope that that particular person could come up with to reassure themselves at the time.
Keep on miracling.
I really appreciate your wisdom on death. From what I understand you and the Course teaches is that we don’t awaken from the illusion through sickness, suffering or death but through Truth
So why does it seem that so many advanced Course students and advanced spiritual seekers seem to be Leaving their body through cancer. I thought the Course teaches that when the body has served is purpose, it can be laid down gently; but;
But, that doesn’t seem to be what is happening or what is being demonstrated. I would appreciate your comments as I’ve been struggling with this for a long time.
Linda, thank you for seeing this. Yes! I share your bewilderment in this. Those teachers I know who died of disease…did NOT lay their body aside. Their faith/trust was not whole (yet). Jesus explains on page 17 of the “Special Messages to Helen” about his resurrection. He is saying that the body is 100% a “now moment” holographic projection. It has zero past, zero evolution and it responds physically to every “now moment” belief. That is why the miracle can heal INSTANTANEOUSLY. It needs no time (unless we believe it does). Jesus said his body DID NOT DISINTEGRATE. Why? Because the UNREAL cannot die. How can a now-moment holographic projection get sick, feel pain…or die? He says his body simply DISAPPEARED! He simply DE-MATERIALIZED his body’s projection. That is why there was nothing left to bury. When we have reached this advanced level of trust…we too, will lay our body aside. And it will NOT decay. It will simply de-materialize. Then…AND ONLY THEN…we will KNOW that we are NOT the body. Here is that excerpt to Helen from Jesus:
Was There a Physical Resurrection?
“My body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. The last one had gone. It was laid in the tomb, but there was nothing left to bury. It did not disintegrate because the unreal cannot die. It merely became what it always was. And that is what “rolling the stone away” means. The body disappears, and no longer hides what lies beyond. It merely ceases to interfere with vision. To roll the stone away is to see beyond the tomb, beyond death, and to understand the body’s nothingness. What is understood as nothing must disappear.
I did assume a human form with human attributes afterwards, to speak to those who were to prove the body’s worthlessness to the world. This has been much misunderstood. I came to tell them that death is illusion, and the mind that made the body can make another since form itself is an illusion. They did not understand. But now I talk to you and give you the same message. The death of an illusion means nothing. It disappears when you awaken and decide to dream no more. And you still do have the power to make this decision as I did.
God holds out His hand to His Son to help him rise and return to Him. I can help because the world is illusion, and I have overcome the world. Look past the tomb, the body, the illusion. Have faith in nothing but the spirit and the guidance God gives you. He could not have created the body because it is a limit. He must have created the spirit because it is immortal. Can those who are created like Him be limited? The body is the symbol of the world.
Leave it behind. It cannot enter Heaven. But I can take you there anytime you choose. Together we can watch the world disappear and its symbol vanish as it does so. And then, and then… I cannot speak of that.
A body cannot stay without illusions, and the last one to be overcome is death. This is the message of the crucifixion; there is no order of difficulty in miracles. This is the message of the resurrection: Illusions are illusions. Truth is true. Illusions vanish. Only truth remains.
These lessons needed to be taught but once, for when the stone of death is rolled away, what can be seen except an empty tomb? And that is what you see who follow me into the sunlight and away from death, past all illusions, on to Heaven’s gate, where God will come Himself to take you home.”
Linda, let me know if this has helped you? Love, Nouk 🙂