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The End of Death - Volume One: The Development of Trust

The End of Death: The Deeper Teachings of A Course in Miracles

By Nouk Sanchez


Printed Length
327 pages



“Forgiveness is meant to be lived and experienced, far beyond theology or intellectual understanding.  In The End of Death, Nouk takes us on the authentic inward journey into the Living experience of Christ.”
~ David Hoffmeister, founder of Foundation of Awakening Mind

“Even after 30 years as a Course student and teacher, after reading The End of Death I have experienced many new shifts in consciousness. It is an inspirational, enlightening and life-changing experience. My gratitude overflows!”
~ Rev. Myron Jones, author of Hey, Holy Spirit, It’s Me Again

“I cannot express the profound gratitude I feel for this book. Jeshua [guided me to] this quote from Paul Tuttle’s book Graduation: The End of Illusions: ‘There are five major books of the modern world which address the divinity of man and facilitate his realization of Reality—his Awakening. The first is Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. The second is The Urantia Book. The third is A Course In Miracles. The fourth is Graduation: The End of Illusions. And the fifth is yet to appear.’ Nouk, The End of Death is number 5!”
~ John Mark Stroud, founder of One Who Wakes

“The End of Death is a powerful testimony of Nouk Sanchez’ own miraculous shift from confusion and grief to aliveness, joy and certainty as she began to truly live the principles of A Course in Miracles. She invites the reader to take the teachings of Jesus literally—and take them for a test drive. This is a must-read for anyone who is ready to get off the merry-go-round of endless seeking. It is for anyone who thinks awakening is just around the corner. It’s not around the corner … it’s now.”
~ Lisa Natoli, author of Gorgeous for God

“I sense such a thirst in the ACIM community to move from head to heart, and from intellect alone to Higher Mind. [As Jeshua teaches] ‘ONLY in the midst of the dream you made—including the body —can you truly realize Christ.’ The End of Death will help many to do just that.”
~ Jayem, channel for The Way of Mastery series: Teachings from Jeshua

Grounded in her own experience and a solid grasp of Course metaphysics, Nouk lays out a well-lit path for us to follow. The End of Death is a wonderful invitation to heal at the deepest levels of the psyche.
~ Kenneth Bok


The Miracle of Death and Resurrection

During the winter of 2012-2013, I listened, as my brother, Mick, was slipping into the deep abyss of depression. A place I knew well as I had spent much time in my own personal black hole, but was now gracefully emerging from, by following the deeper teachings of ACIM by Nouk and Tomas. Mick had been following a different path for many years, but we were both looking for the same thing…sustained happiness. I invited him to attend a Know Thyself Retreat with me in Santa Fe, with Nouk, Stacy and Sparo, in May 2013. He was intrigued with what I had begun to embody. On the third morning, Mick asked Nouk to explain the difference between a metaphorical and a literal miracle.

When she finished, he said: Well, I want to experience a literal miracle. He put his head back and began to snore and at first I thought he was being his usual smart-ass self, and making fun of her. It became apparent quite quickly that this was something much more serious. Several participants immediately began CPR, until the para-medics arrived. Mick then died. I was holding onto his leg and fell into a deep deep grief as my thoughts went to his beautiful wife, Nicole, and 6 children.

One of the participants came and led me to a group. She insisted I join in the Atonement with her. As I did, I began to notice that the entire room was doing the Atonement, led by Nouk. My entire world completely altered as I left my thinking/ego mind, and entered the Christ Mind. Twenty-five minutes after his death, Mick resurrected. It was at that point that I realized that my “grieving thoughts” were actually hurting my brother. I have never had one since.

It has now been 10 months since that time. Mick has returned, somewhat, with no memory of the past. He has had to be retrained to know his family, walk, read, etc. He lives in the now moment only, and continues re-training as an out patient in Switzerland, three times a week. Our Mom, Ellie, visited him in November and was hugely impacted by the love that he has become. There is no trace of all the old bitterness, prejudices, hatred that once consumed him.

I will visit him for two weeks in May. I am constantly guided to communicate with him, through State of Mind and part of the guidance is to be with him during the anniversary of his resurrection. I have no agenda for where this is all headed, and that is a very freeing way to live. My only job is to Love Mick. I have also been witness to the healing miracles of Fawna, Calico and one other cancer participant at the Retreats. It says somewhere in ACIM (and I am paraphrasing) that if miracles are not occurring, something is amiss. That is true, and Nouk is correct, it is literal. And that is now what it feels like, miracles appearing everywhere, and they are the most natural thing in the world.

Thank you.

I love you.

Sally MacKenzie Dubel

A miracle of unshakable peace…

In 2012, after months of ‘cold’ symptoms, doctors visits and one after another alternative treatments I was finally diagnosed with a full sinus of cancer. The entire sinus cavity was filled, so much so that it had broken through the roof of my mouth and was coming out of my nose (this visual was the point when I demanded someone to look at this). I was diagnosed on a Thursday and after some cursing one of my first emails was to Nouk Sanchez.

I had been studying the course for years and had had the joy of meeting Nouk and Tomas after loving “Take Me To Truth”. Little did I know that when I emailed Nouk she was in the midst of writing this book and I would have access to this leading edge information. You might think, why did you not apply Course principals right from the beginning? Believe me, I did, but there were misinterpretations, some distortions that my work with Nouk and Stacy cleared up.

The Friday after diagnosis I had a phone session of embodiment with Stacy, this was good Friday 2012. (full story in my blog On Easter Sunday my sister in law said “You look better and the tumor looks smaller” I was glad she said so, I thought so too. What I saw in my session with Stacy and in the questions and principals that I heard from Nouk was an unconscious death wish- a type of “What the hell am I doing here and how do I get out?”.

I continued using these principals throughout chemotherapy and radiation- applying the atonement prayer and other tools with one miracle after another. I know that my mind was healed in that embodiment session, I continued with treatments, as I am developing faith in the truth of my safety, with the same concept of ‘effects can’t have effects’. After my first chemo I didn’t have side effects, I got better and stronger with each treatment, contrary to what others had experienced. These outer signs were exciting but the Miracle was in the Peace that I had throughout, a stable peace that was not shaken by treatment/no treatment, in hospital or out, etc.

After 3 chemotherapy sessions (6 were initially suggested) I was cancer free. As life has moved forward there have been some serious life changes, but the steady peace remains, a happiness that is not dependent on ‘outside’ sources. I use the atonement prayer when this wobbles and I am aware of the righting of my mind. The application as Nouk teaches works, the embodiment is a gift I would wish on you all. Thank You Nouk and Stacy, Tomas and Sparo for bringing this forward and Carrie and Steve for helping to bring Heaven to Earth.



For Ever and Eternally Grateful!

It would be impossible to talk of the Miracles that have erupted from my relationship to Nouk Sanchez and her teachings, related in ‘The End of Death’….My first meeting of Nouk was at one of her retreats in 2012. Up until that point my studies in ACIM had been all metaphorical… This is Not What Nouk was Teaching and WHAT A BLESSING THAT WAS!!!! At the time I was in a foreclosure that I was able to address literally. I forgave Chase Manhattan Bank my self and Everything else involved with it, because I CREATED the LESSON….

So By the time I was on a roll to accept all ‘out there’ as My Creation…. I was diagnosed with Stage IV, Grade 3, Ovarian Cancer that had metastasized… Nouk became a constant Phone Friend. Now this was back when Nouk was available by phone and email… this is no longer possible… So I suggest as I am also doing at this point… find Folks that are Studying ACIM as LITERAL… There are many Teachers out there at this point (Lisa Natoli, David Hoffmeister, Jayem for examples).

Any way, back to ‘the story’, I Heard Her WORDS. It Landed as TRUTH. And I had no idea of how to go about it…. I remember early on mentioning to a Hospice nurse…. “I cannot die from cancer… I am Clear about the logistics…. And I haven’t a Clue how to go about it.!!!”… I remember thinking at the time… “I sound absolutely, positively Insane!”…. And Nouk would hold my hand through “scrambled egg brain land”… I read ALL her posts from her blog from “The End of Dying”. I might point out that each needs to really be gone over several times, as they fluff up as you LEARN, I call this Holographic Writing… and slowly, slowly… things started to change. I ‘graduated hospice’ in November of 2013. I went from ‘loosing days to a death like sleep, waking to massive fear of what day it was….” To now walking 2 miles, 5 times a week, and putting money into some expensive dental stuff I was needing and not going to get while in a ‘dying conversation’…. I am making plans with God… I Get the Power of ACIM.

And my first 18 years of studying it did not even scratch the surface… I was doing the Metaphorical version… I am Now Only Playing the Game of Literal God and Literal Miracles. I Thank God for Nouk’s Clarity to put this Message on Paper and My Willingness to Receive it… Thank You Noukie… For Ever and Eternally Grateful!!!

Calico Hickey

Nouk Sanchez

Nouk Sanchez

Nouk began her passionate journey with A Course in Miracles in 1990. She is best known for her very practical approach to undoing the single cause of suffering, - the ego. In 2007 Nouk co-authored Take Me to Truth with Tomas Vieira, which became an instant bestseller.

During her darkest night of the soul in January 2011 which was brought about by Tomas’ passing, she experienced a revelation that profoundly shifted her perception. Since then she has received a series of divine transmissions that joyfully reveal Jesus’ deeper message in the Course. The End of Death Trilogy is the exciting culmination of these insights.

In 2015, after a 25 year gap, Nouk was blessed with a profound reunion with treasured soul buddy, Daniel Boissevain. Nouk and Daniel have joined in a total commitment to help extend these life-changing teachings to the world.

Nouk literally lives for nothing else. Her own embodiment of these teachings has escalated through her latest experience and transmissions revealing that Holy Relationships are the crucial, missing key to undoing all forms of suffering. This is the subject of Volume Two (The End of Death): A Manual for Holy Relationship. Together with Daniel, their hands-on extraordinarily practical approach has contributed to startling and miraculous breakthroughs and life-changing turnarounds for many people in their Global online Total Transformation Classes (TTC).

The End of Death (Volume One) is currently available in audiobook, paperback and Kindle. A Manual for Holy Relationship is scheduled for release in 2020. Visit and for more helpful info. You can visit Nouk’s Blog too; it offers a wealth of incredibly valuable material including some revealing exercises to help quicken the undoing of fear and suffering.