“When the proverbial sh*t hits the fan, the immediate response is to try to problem solve independently from Spirit. But the instant we do BELIEVE there is a problem to be solved, we’ve entered delusion. We have immediately separated ourselves from true Healing in the mind. The only need we have is to willingly ACCEPT divine healing of our sense of separation from God’s Love as our Holy Self – in all instances. This is healing of our attraction to the ego’s obsessive need for self-attack in numerous forms; the unconscious wish to be unfairly treated.
Never focus on the illusion that there really IS something here in the dream to heal. That’s called MAGIC or false healing. As Jesus explains in the Course, when we (of the ego) believe there is something real in the illusion to heal, we CANNOT look past its appearance and therefore we cannot forgive it. And when we focus on healing a problem we mistakenly decide of the “form” it will take, thereby losing the understanding of its true purpose which is healing the mind that made the illness or problem. Here is a clear quote on this from Jesus in the Course:
“When you decide upon the form of what you want, you lose the understanding of its purpose.” A Course in Miracles, T-30.III.2:1
When we’re triggered by something that appears outside us, in the body, the past, in another or in the world, we have misplaced the only CAUSE of the problem which is in our mind being unconscious guilt as self-attack. This is the ego’s separation of cause and effect so as the real cause is never healed.
When we focus on a specific problem to be healed – the ego claims it and will sabotage us. If we’re triggered by something, a typhoon in the Philippines, an illness, financial scarcity, or conflict, etc., then the ONLY source of healing is always within OUR OWN MIND – because that is where the trigger is. The trigger is guilt and the concern we seem to have arises from our deep fear of punishment along with the subsequent expectation and manifestation of this self-attack. It is this deep fear of punishment as the unconscious attraction to pain, that fuels all our fears. And it’s THIS that needs healing. Sure…we can fix the SYMPTOMS of the problem but if we really want to HEAL THE FUNDAMENTAL CAUSE of all problems then we need to exhume our own secret terrors. Then we can raise them to the light and give them to Spirit in exchange for miracles through forgiveness.” ~ By Nouk Sanchez, undoing-the-ego.org
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When the shit hits the fan, you better not be standing in front of the it. Get out of the way! lol
Semi-seriously though… the only problem is in my own mind in my use of `whats out there` as a skapegoat for my own unconscious crap. I get to decide in my mind what to make of something, how to portray it to myself, how to regard it, how to experience it, what it means, what it seems to do to me, where it fits in my hierarchy of illusions, how severe it is, what seems to have caused it in linear time, what reaction it seems to call for based on its severity, etc. That’s all made up and changeable because it’s in my own mind as a subjective interpretation, not really out there.
When I see that shit projected onto the world I’m not really seeing what’s there I’m seeing my projection overlayed on top of it like a layer of dirt, and am still seeing the dirt. But to think the dirt is not mine (we accuse others of our own belief in our own sinfulness) is my mistake. “I’m not upset for the reason I think” “I’m upset because I see something that isn’t there”.
So then I can look within and recognize there is something in me, in my mind, that is mistaken and is using what seems to be out there to make it look wrong/bad/guilty so that I can attack and upset myself and remind myself of the unconscious guilt that is ALREADY in my mind, having already condemned myself as being worthy of death before I was even born. Phew. And then upon looking at that through Holy Spirit’s Light, He would show me that in fact, in truth, what I thought was there is not really there, I made it up and gave it all the meaning it seems to have. So it’s really really really not anything to do with the other person needing to be healed or fixed or having a problem or doing something against me, it’s that I am walking the earth using all kinds of things to attack myself instead of using them to remind myself of peace. “Let me not use this as an obstacle to peace but help me to use it to facilitate its coming”.
Real healing is completely counter-intuitive in this way, paradoxical, because it’s only be admitting that nothing needs to be healed and there is no problem and guilt was imagined and IT HASN’T HAPPENED that we can be in any way sane enough to be `healing` and Truly Helpful. That to the ego seems like turning your back on others, ignoring their health concerns, wanting them to be sick, allowing them to suffer, being arrogant or apathetic, letting people be sick, etc… but the ego doesn’t counsel sanely as to what means what. Healing your own mind clears your own self-attack from the One Mind, and therefore ceases your attack on yourself and your attempted attack on your brother. And then you have to admit that you were in fact *making others sick* by believing in and agreeing to their belief in sickness. And what if you totally did not believe in any sickness or guilt or fear or ill health and it held no reality for you? Then you would be a healer.
Very helpful teaching Paul…thank you!
Endless Love,
Nouk 🙂
Yes, Paul, your comments were wonderful!!! Wonder when you are going to step out there and share more with others? Like maybe teaching?
Love and blessings,
Nouk, would you be willing to speak a little more to exhuming our hidden terrors, and unconscious guilt? Could you provide guidance on how we go about exhuming the unconscious guilt and terror?
Your teachings are an immeasurable blessing to me, and I am so deeply grateful. You have helped me to see the opportunity I have at the moment, to notice the unconscious guilt that is coming to light in the seeming illness of my daughter, and I am so willing to do the work to allow healing in my mind, and to practice forgiveness. Thank you so much for your Light, Nouk. Love and Blessings, Cydney
Cydney, I just sent you an email with some exercises. It might be helpful for you to have at least one (or more) phone mentoring sessions with Sparo. Here is that link: