Writing this book has been such a wonderful opportunity to document my own process while I learn to embody these Divine teachings. As I mentioned before, the body is the last special relationship that we willingly surrender to Spirit entirely. On the contrary, through the ego we are far more accustomed to and comfortable in handing the body over to disease and death.
Unlearning the body’s purpose is a must. This is what I am learning. While I still retain idols apart from God’s Love, I will suffer guilt. Then I inevitably invite the ego’s self-attack. An idol is anything that we believe either sustains us or endangers us. For instance, the idols of food, money and relationships might seem to sustain us. And the idols of disease, pain and financial scarcity may appear to attack us. In a nutshell, both the idols we desire and the ones we try to avoid belong to the same hierarchy of illusions. An idol is simply an illusion that we believe is real. While we believe it is real, we ‘value’ it above God’s Love.
Whatever we desire and whatever we attempt to protect ourselves from are both idols that we unknowingly give greater reality to, than God’s Love. In our desire for them and our defense against them, we make them real. And while we make these illusions real, we reject God’s Reality. We cannot serve two masters. We undo these illusions as we willingly exhume them and give them wholly to Spirit to reinterpret for us. This is the journey of the development of trust. We withdraw our trust in the ego’s idols and transfer it to Spirit’s changeless Love.
While we independently attempt to run our lives relying on what the ego believes sustains and attacks us, then we will continue to believe that we are indeed a body and that the ego world is real. And when we still believe we are a body, we deny our Holy Self and unconsciously attract and teach suffering and death.
Unlearning the body’s purpose involves learning to look past appearances. Remember that when we seem to see anything that is not God’s Love, we are literally seeing un-reality. An ugly hallucination. This is what all suffering is regardless of the form it takes. Again, there is no hierarchy of form. Remember the ego uses the body’s senses to witness what it wants them to find. That is why it’s so important to look beyond the appearance with Spirit and to ask for the truth beneath the ego appearance.
‘The body does not change. It represents the larger dream that change is possible. To change is to attain a state unlike the one in which you found yourself before. There is no change in immortality, and Heaven knows it not. Yet here on earth it has a double purpose, for it can be made to teach opposing things. And they reflect the teacher who is teaching them. The body can appear to change with time, with sickness or with health, and with events that seem to alter it. Yet this but means the mind remains unchanged in its belief of what the purpose of the body is.’ T-29.II.7.
Jesus says clearly here that the body cannot change independently of the mind. Like all ‘form’ in the ego’s dream, none of it has the ability to change without our say so. But while we remain hypnotized by form, we will continue to believe that ‘matter’ has it’s very own authority, one that is apart from our own mind.
“Sickness is a demand the body be a thing that it is not. Its nothingness is guarantee that it can [not] be sick. In your demand that it be more than this lies the idea of sickness. For it asks that God be less than all He really is.” T-29.II.8:1-4
Sickness is a demand the body be a thing that it is not. Jesus says the body, as nothing, is guarantee that it cannot get sick. The only reason it appears to age or sicken is because we make the body a ‘god’ in itself. We choose to use it for an alien purpose; for self-attack. While I believe my life depends exclusively upon my body and resources in the world, I value idols over God’s Love. And while I believe I must independently defend myself from attack then I make what I defend against real, thereby rejecting awareness of my Divine invulnerability.
In the ego belief system, the body is ‘expected’ to age, to decay and to die. To the ego, this is natural and legitimate. Yet Jesus tells us that this is insane. How can the body, something that is completely ‘neutral’ with no inherent ability to change of itself, become diseased and die?
As we age, we’re encouraged to fight against it; to take precautions such as regular medical checks, take supplements and exercise. All this is to ward off the inevitable onslaught of the decaying process.
How about an example here? Let’s use an idol that I have previously believed sustains this body. Regular physical exercise. To me, physical exercise was an un-relinquished idol. A defense against remembering my certain invulnerability in God’s Love. This is what all my defenses were made to hide. “If I defend myself I am attacked. But in defenselessness I will be strong, and I will learn what my defenses hide.” W-135.22:4-5
Now this realization didn’t mean that I should give up exercise. Not at all. But it did urge me to look at this with Spirit and to surrender my independent beliefs and need to control it. The funny thing is that when I loosened my own grip on the need to be disciplined with exercise, I experienced an ego back-lash. The result was a period of physical ailments that seemed to manifest as a direct result of lack of exercise.
Yet that’s exactly what I had ‘expected!’ When I examined my thought process with Spirit, I saw that I had manifested these ailments because I expected them. What we expect, we must manifest. I am being taught to see that nearly everything we do here is done from fear and not from Love and joy. Dieting and exercise, taking supplements or medicine. These are defenses against expected attack. And while they remain unconscious they attract the very suffering we attempt to defend ourselves against.
As I have said before, it’s not about giving-up our magical remedies. It’s about owning up to them with Spirit. And asking Spirit in to help us look at them while reinterpreting these so as they are no longer used for unconscious self-sabotage.
In the reinterpretation process I am learning that once I bring Spirit’s presence into my daily decision-making and actions, a truly remarkable change occurs. Instead of determining my exercise routine with the ego, I am doing it with Spirit. Through the ego, I would plan my discipline and routine. All based on fear. I looked to the exercise routine as my savior; as my source of safety. Instead of looking within to God’s Love. And when I missed a session I would suffer self-criticism and guilt. That’s the ego right there!
What followed next was the ego’s plan for my punishment in the form of unconscious self-attack. Hence the ‘appearance’ of physical ailments that manifested once I began to question the ego’s authority. Now, if I had truly ‘believed’ these physical ailments were caused by my sudden lack of exercise, I would have fallen into the ego’s trap. It always diverts us from discovering the real cause in our mind. Instead I went to Spirit and asked to see and release (forgive) the underlying cause of my suffering. It is always guilt regardless of the particular form of manifestation.
Now I’m learning to intuit just when to exercise. It must arise from an honest inspiration of joy and not from fear or guilt. This is a huge turn-around and I am noticing that when I apply these principles to one area of my life, they gradually transfer to every area.
Jesus points out that we always defend ourselves against illusions. Yet once we recognize this and decide to look past appearances with Spirit, a whole new reality rushes in to meet us. But will we take the risk?
“You always fight illusions. For the truth behind them is so lovely and so still in loving gentleness, were you aware of it you would forget defensiveness entirely, and rush to its embrace. The truth could never be attacked. And this you knew when you made idols. They were made that this might be forgotten. You attack but false ideas, and never truthful ones. All idols are the false ideas you made to fill the gap you think arose between yourself and what is true. And you attack them for the things you think they represent. What lies beyond them cannot be attacked.” T-30.IV.1:2-10
In this same section (T-30.IV.), he explains that through the ego, the things and laws we made up are like children’s toys. We forgot that we made up all these laws and gave the world power over us instead of the other way around. And while we still assign value to the body and the world we continue to be persecuted by them. But we made them up, so how can they be a real threat?
“You can laugh at popping heads and squeaking toys, as does the child who learns they are no threat to him. Yet while he likes to play with them, he still perceives them as obeying rules he made for his enjoyment. So there still are rules that they can seem to break and frighten him. Yet [is] he at the mercy of his toys? And [can] they represent a threat to him?” T-30.IV.3:6-10
I’m learning that the world we made and the laws that govern it are certainly not God’s Laws. I am under no laws but God’s!
“Reality observes the laws of God, and not the rules you set. It is His laws that guarantee your safety. All illusions that you believe about yourself obey no laws. They seem to dance a little while, according to the rules you set for them. But then they fall and cannot rise again…They must be neither cherished nor attacked, but merely looked upon as children’s toys without a single meaning of their own. See one in them and you will see them all. See none in them and they will touch you not.” T-30.IV.4:1-5,9-11
“Appearances deceive [because] they are appearances and not reality. Dwell not on them in any form. They but obscure reality, and they bring fear [because] they hide the truth. Do not attack what you have made to let you be deceived, for thus you prove that you have been deceived. Attack has power to make illusions real. Yet what it makes is nothing. Who could be made fearful by a power that can have no real effects at all? What could it be but an illusion, making things appear like to itself? Look calmly at its toys, and understand that they are idols which but dance to vain desires. Give them not your worship, for they are not there. Yet this is equally forgotten in attack. God’s Son needs no defense against his dreams. His idols do not threaten him at all. His one mistake is that he thinks them real. What can the power of illusions do?” T-30.IV.5.
As I write this book I am acutely aware that I am in the ‘process’ of learning these deeper teachings. And each time I get lost I ask Spirit to teach me. “Please reveal to me what my defenses would hide. Teach me, show me, guide me.” I want to know what really dwells beneath my independent desire to sustain and defend myself, apart from God’s all-encompassing Love. Amen.
” God’s Son needs no defense against his dreams. His idols do not threaten him at all. His one mistake is that he thinks them real.” T-30.iv.5:12-14
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
beautiful ……simply truth
Love, Love, Love —->>>>>
“All aboard the process of deeper learning train! Departures regularly scheduled by Holy Spirit and his faithful Helper, Jesus. No one will be refused. The fare has already been paid for. The destination is the journey, the time traversed: invisible. Join interests! Find Joy! Know you are loved by billions!”
—Inspired “announcement” from Within. *tee hee*
Beautiful message! I got it!
Giant hugs and endless Love,
You are plying the deep end of the ACIM Metaphysical pool, and I love it! I am swimming, splashing, and diving in with you, and delighting in the bubbles of insight you are sharing with us.
I will be taking a new look at the idols I am creating in the illusion of life.
With Love and Laughter,
Wonderful news Bud!
Swimming in “joy” alongside you…
Thank you again for these clear teachings. Yes, surrendering to the LIGHT reveals the illusionary nature of our idols and the seemingly reality of all appearances. Our true nature is perfect LOVE.
BLESSINGs, dear Nouk.
Yes Rodolfo,
Our True Nature is perfect Love 🙂
Very deep and true. Thank you for this gift, Nouk!
Many blessings,
It just came to me that whenever we value our idols more than God, we deny God. Denial of God is attack of God, consequently we develop guilt and fear of God and we need to defend against Him. The biggest idol that we create is a fearful God. All the other idols we create serve the ultimate purpose to defend against God’s wrath. So ultimately, any defense is a defense against God; this is a “Merry Go Round”, the more value we put in our idols the more fear of God we accumulate and we need a stronger defense and so on. Most likely the last idol we need to visit with Spirit is the fearful God, the one created by our split mind.
Now I finally understand why the last obstacle to peace is the fear of God. Thank you Nouk for raising this up and Spirit for teaching me.
Wow Leonard, you really hit the bulls-eye here! The insight you had was one that I had last year and is included in the beginning of ‘The End of Death.’
Valuing our idols we deny God. Denial of God is attack on God.
Belief that we’ve attacked God causes guilt and fear. So we “fear God” and expect punishment.
Fearing God, we defend ourselves against Love, the Essence of God as our Holy Self. We defend against our True Identity and our True Will.
And living in unconscious expectation of the “wrath” of God (punishment), we secure more ego idols in defense against imagined threat.
Crazy, crazy stuff, LOL!
Now it does make sense that the last obstacle to peace – is the FEAR OF GOD.
Thanks Leonard!
Thank you, Nouk! This is exactly what we all do all the time, we defend against Love/God. And to go further with my insight, if you don’t mind, we make idols to defend us against God. And the most powerful idol to defend against God is money, at least this is my perception. But it came to me that money is gold (all paper money should be backed by an equivalent in gold) and gold is a densified form of Light, used in this physical reality to support manifestation. Since gold is an expression of Light/Love/God, money is not anymore a “root of evil”, but an expression of Light. So we defend with money/gold//Light against God/Light and we just don’t know. Since the ego created the identity for money that “is the root of all evil”, people seeking God deny money and experience scarcity, but in fact by denying money, they unconsciously deny Light. So we try to find God by denying God. Ego is a master of confusion and mistaken identities and by doing this it just maintains a state of conflict where we use Light to defend against Light in many situations. The same is when we don’t recognize the light in our brothers, we fear them and defend against them; but this is nothing else but Light against Light. It is totally insane. I try hard to get out from this state of confusion and conflict, still work to do.
All the best to you,
Great insights you’re having Leonard! Holy Spirit is guiding you to see the Truth beneath all illusions…
Warmest blessings,
This is so timely for me at this moment, ha! at any moment and every moment. Beautiful truth in a language easily understood and therefore gratefully accepted. We know this. Yet through our choice for idols have forgotten. Thank you dearest Nouk for this loving and uncompromising reminder. Your journey is deeply appreciated for you bring us all along with you in love. I can’t imagine where I’d be right now without you and the UTE family.
Love the photo.
Joy and Peace,
So happy it’s helpful Brenda!
This makes perfect sense and i realized, well i did recently that I manifested my own tinnitus by my fear of noise. I have an extreme condition called misophonia (hatred of noise) which I remember all the way back to age 2. Can’t stand any noise really whistling sniffling gum kids, well I was so afraid of noise that I manifested it now in my own body and now I really cannot escape it and as your book states would really rather be dead as there could nothing be more torturous then hearing screeching hissing sounds 24-7 that i cannot escape. i try everything, reading your info makes me realize i have to undo all the fear. i have had the course 22 years and have been asking holy spirit and have spent a life fortune trying to help me with this issue to no avail. i am trying to give up the fear attack thoughts and am accellerating with your help. of course i wish i was faster because its hard to focus on anything with the noise torturing. wish there was a little relief or a little hope. i appreciate you because this is the only thing that even makes sense. just hope i can get this one day so peace can be achieved and i dont have to listen to this any longer and i achieve the states and freedom and the love states you have all gotten do, have made strides just since knowing you Nouk thank you.
Beautiful sharing Sara, thank you. As a child (a highly sensitive one at that), I could not stand noise. So at 8 years of age I went deaf due to my own unconscious choice. I lost around 80% of my hearing as a result. I recognize exactly what I did and I have forgiven it. It took me a while though.
There is nothing that you need to DO Sara. It’s all about complete and wholehearted surrender of all our grievances, all our self-judgment and hatred. And it’s the genuine willingness to Love our Self as God Loves us. To open to experience that infinite innocence that we ARE. Ask to Love your Self as God Loves you. Ask to experience this profound innocence that you are and have always been…in it is your complete invulnerability to pain or suffering of any kind.
With Love 🙂