
Copyright 2017 Nouk Sanchez

“The Holy Relationship with others is born from our willingness to see another’s interests or needs as not apart or different than our own. While here in the dream the Holy Relationship appears to have levels. The first level of HR might be our choice to simply (sincerely) acknowledge someone (stranger) and extend a warm greeting or conversation. We “close the gap” so to speak.

Then, as we undo our own resistance to Love and release our guilt (self-attack), we grow. Our mind and heart extend the Love that we realize is within us. Our motive in relationship now is to give rather than to get. We realize that giving is receiving. We desire more authentic communication and are now willing to practice it namely by living the 7 Key Principles in all our interactions. We no longer wish to preserve, protect or defend our mistaken sense of self. On the contrary, we are eager to release its limiting beliefs, patterns and values.

We may yearn for another (or others) to help us in this undoing process. The growing outcome of undoing the false self concept is an increasing desire to see our self as guiltless and sinless. And the means by which this is accelerated is to actively seek out opportunities to help others see themselves as guiltless. This is forgiveness in action.

We learn that by giving or extending to others that which we so deeply yearn for our self (innocence)…this gift is mirrored back to us.

The opportunity to practice advanced Holy Relationship/s is realized to the extent we no longer desire “specialness.” And to the degree we genuinely yearn to see our brother or sister as sinless, as perfect innocence.

As some advance in their level of trust they may reach a point where their great desire to see another (others) as guiltless and sinless, manifests the perfect opportunity to join another with the same goal coupled with the identical degree of commitment. This is often an intense learning situation where the two are actually in perfect alignment to take a quantum leap in their development of trust. Two (or more) who joyfully share by demonstration the same uncompromising goal of forgiveness consistently, will help collapse the dream of fear rapidly.

The ego dream is holographic. Therefore, one relationship that is perfectly forgiven heals every one of our relationships in all of the dimensions of time.

After all…there is only ONE of us here 😉

The End of Death; A Manual for Holy Relationship

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