True forgiveness asks that we look past the appearance of whatever form of suffering we may see or feel, and allow Spirit to reveal the Truth, the perfection behind what our body’s five senses informs us is reality. Jesus explains that forgiveness, when genuinely believed and valued as warranted regardless of the so called transgression or suffering, will heal.
Whether it is interpersonal conflict, inner conflict, illness, pain, scarcity or death, genuine forgiveness heals. To sincerely forgive, we must be willing to recognize that any “appearance” of suffering, is not God’s Will. It’s an immediate sign then that we perceive with fear. And whatever we attempt to heal or remedy from a place of fear, doubt or lack, (body, another, relationship, situation, financial scarcity, the world, etc.) will only serve to increase fear and guilt.
From my own experience, unknowingly we often attempt the ego’s version of forgiveness and are deeply disappointed when there is no healing as a consequence. I’ve done this many times before and it produced the exact effect the ego desired: my belief that the miracle itself was inconsistent, that God’s Will heals some of the time but not all of the time.
This belief feeds the unconscious fear of God we all have. It insinuates that God heals sometimes, but only if I have earned it, and only if I am worthy of it. And if I don’t feel worthy (which is at the root of all suffering), then I’ll hardly be willing to open my heart in full expectancy of the miracle. No.
Contrary to the small self’s belief, God’s Love is changeless. His Love for us never wavers even when we are not aware of it. It is always maximal. Therefore God’s healing via the miracle is always 100% effective; it never ever misses a beat. His Love and healing are certain without the slightest chance of failure.
Any kind of delay in healing always arises from our own doubt, our own feelings of unworthiness. And it’s this self doubt and unworthiness that we unknowingly place between us and God’s certain healing. How on earth can we heal while we still value feelings of fear, worthlessness or doubt? These need to be released and forgiven, offered over completely to Spirit in exchange for unopposed Love, trust and joy.
It’s precisely this feeling of unworthiness to expect immediate healing, which must be healed before we can wholeheartedly receive the divine healing that is already there, patiently awaiting our acceptance.
We will always get exactly what we believe we deserve in any one moment. And the miracle cannot override our own unconscious wish to be unfairly treated. Also, if we’re still holding a grievance against someone or something present or past then this automatically contributes to our own unconscious self-doubt which must be projected onto God. We then doubt our Holy Self and the miracle while preferring to trust in fear and the small self.
Choosing to hold grievances against others, the self, the body, the past or the world has the effect of seemingly disqualifying us from the miracle. It never does in reality. But because we unknowingly harbor the guilt we attempt to project outside us by judging, we then feel unworthy to accept total and spontaneous healing. That is why it’s so helpful to review in all honesty, who and what we still feel unfairly treated by, and resolve to forgive it all.
Who and what do we still judge and resist? Who and what do we condemn? Is it the body? Is it someone from our childhood? Is it a colleague? Or is it our self? Whomever and whatever they are, these judgments need to be seen and forgiven first with the unconditional Love of Spirit, so as they are no longer projected onto the body (pain, illness, aging, weight gain, etc.) and the world by the ego. Remember that all attack (judgment) is always self-attack. While we judge against anyone or anything, we sentence our self to further bouts of seemingly random and unconscious self-attack. And we reject the miracle.
If I sincerely desire healing, then I commit to being mindful of any grievances that show up. These are gifts, as each one holds the potential to unlock and thereby release another chunk of unconscious self attack. With each relinquished grievance my perception is restored to Love. The veil of terror falls away and I realize that my will and God’s are the same. I don’t have to resist or defend any longer. There is no more conflict inside or out.
As judgment is relinquished, I recognize I am innocent and that everyone is. I am Love and Loved unconditionally. As a result, I relax and trust. I can afford now to trust in God’s Love within to allow, to embrace, to trust and therefore, to transcend all things in the ego’s dream.
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
I must not be worthy because I was up all night praying reading these saying these prayers to a t. Asking god to relieve my suffering going through the atonement process again. Have been asking for years been diligently releasing fears attack. The tinnitus still screeching torturing me. So god must not hear nor spirit or I wouldn’t suffer almost 5 yrs in torture doing everything under the sun to help. I hate leaving my dogs that is my final ego fear. one panics being separated but that is not real I hope I make it to the other side this week and ill be there for them. Im not living w this screeching anymore
And yes I desire healing ive spent over 250 thousand dollars plus lost work time trying to get this to stop plus constant prayer crying the couurse stacy too nothing jesus holy spirit every healer all I hear is screeching
And im worthy
Sara, you ARE worthy – always.
You are worthy. Please remember that! You are!
well i wish someone would help me with this tinnitus because i have not been able to do it myself and i will have to leave the planet soon im making my will on Monday and i have 4 dogs i don’t care about me i am devastated to leave them i have tried EVERYTHING and i do mean EVERYTHING to stop this torture and i cannot live with it anymore i have tried being my own healer and have tried every healer i can think of i have asked spirit Jesus God Holy Spirit a gazillion times and the torture remains i don’t know what else to do i just hope my dogs will have an okay life. i know who will be taking them but i do know she will not take them to the dog park and i know 3 will be okay but my dog Cody panics when he is taken away from me even an inch i have fear around that.
does anyone know any REAL healers i know you are supposed to heal thy self, in fact i do healings on other people or the holy spirit does but i have not been able to do this and i do not have much time on the planet i have searched and tried everything. i am BEYOND despearate. ANYONE that can help this hissing in my head. i am crying my eyes out. i HAVE MONEY i work hard i WILL PAY!
anyone that can help me with this? PLEASE! i don’t care the cost please email me at
if i can’t get this hissing in my head to stop i have to go and i have 4 dogs. its been 4 years and i can’t take it anymore. ive done the course, ive forgiven i can’t do it anymorei ive tried it all i just can’t take this noise torturing me i need help
Sara, I prayed for you. I hope you will find some peace. God loves you.
Sara, admitting that you need help, that you cannot do this alone is the hardest and most important step. Asking sincerely in complete surrender to an answer that you do not figure out on your own may be key. I, too, have prayed for you. I pray that you accept Love and are not left comfortless. It’s all your decision Who you ask for help…fear or Love. May you know peace wherever you are lead. God lovesYou.
Sara, I join my mind with yours in healing the ONE cause of all suffering, which is separation from God’s Love and our Holy Self. Sara you are not alone. Just beyond the tinnitus is a vast spacious peaceful beingness. This is our true inherent Self.
Courage my Love. Lynne
Wow I want to thank everyone for their comments to reach out to a stranger. I am in awe and humbled and don’t know what to say but if you ever need me you have my email. Also my dogs thank you. Thank you all once again love Sara, Mandy Cody Toby and Sophie Sue
Ugh, now you’re going to think I’m joking or vexing you, I’m really not, but I seem to be having opposition from others when it comes to the “philosophies” of this thing, because I’m “male” (sex/body) and of a certain “age” it’s women first men second or not at all, and if you are not aesthetically “good looking” you’re tossed aside for someone that isn’t. The more physically attractive the better or “Jesus was 30 to 35 years of ‘age’ you’re too old for this”. I see people/human beings going through a journey and for my “sins” I am “unworthy”
I asked God this morning who is worthy of healing. I googled it as well and then it lead me to this powerful word. Thank you Nouk
Give All to Have All… as it says in A Course in Miracles… not an easy sell for most! And this is what Jesus came and demonstrated to us. Dismantling this dream would have occurred long ago in time, if this process was an easy sell. Trust is the foundation of Awakening. Any doubt erases trust and actually keeps even ‘willingness’ from being ‘enough’. I am so grateful for your words Nouk! I started on this journey when the book was merely a blog. I held fast, and your words kept my head above the ‘waterline’, trusting. That was 5 years ago and MUCH has occurred in this dismantling process. And as I sit here, I am just filled with gratitude to have had a ‘Guardian Angel’ to guide me, and her name was Nouk. I close with the last sentence of this blog, “I can afford now to trust in God’s Love within to allow, to embrace, to trust and therefore, to transcend all things in the ego’s dream.”, Amen and Hallejujah!
Joyful tears of gratitude for you my beautiful Sis Calico! Thank you, thank you <3 <3 <3
very moving and insightful, one…