Every Prayer is Answered Here

Every Prayer is Answered Here

 You Are Worthy… Did you know the one thing we resist and even defend our self against more than physical death itself – is genuine peace? We’re not referring to the ego’s fleeting “forms” of peace which are dependent on external factors (including the body’s...
What about the other Guy?

What about the other Guy?

NOTE FROM NOUK: This is a powerful essay from my amazing friend and colleague, Coreen Walson. There is an area of great confusion among those on spiritual paths about triggers and whether we ever have the right to expect someone else to change their behavior. If...
The Holy Grail Revealed

The Holy Grail Revealed

The Long Forgotten Choice This fractured world of fear along with all the suffering we seem to experience arises from an ancient decision so deeply buried, that we long forgot we made it. That one, unrecognized choice underpins every stab of pain, sickness, loss,...