I hadn’t planned on enrolling in a Total Transformation Course (TTC).
I wasn’t sure about the one-year commitment, or my ability (or more accurately, willingness) to show up, and especially, to join with others – as I had identified as an introvert (hermit might be more accurate).
It was through a seemingly unrelated interaction through social media that I was directed to join an upcoming class. So, I did. And I am glad.
Actually, glad may not be the right word. Grateful and blessed are more like it.
Through joining a TTC class, I not only got to meet, interact with, and learn from many other beautiful students who became my mighty companions throughout the year, but the well-organized and beautifully structured weekly assignments encouraged me to go within in a way I could follow along with.
The curriculum consists of videos, written summaries of the main supporting ideas for the week, and helpful blog post recommendations – all to be discussed in the next class with our fellow classmates.
While ACIM is a self-study course, it sure helps to have people walk the path with you.
To hold you up when you’re feeling down, to understand what undoing the ego feels like, and to be willing to see the Truth of your Self – and hold you in that Light.
Throughout my year in the TTC, thanks to the weekly assignments, I had the opportunity to start journaling, which has been immensely helpful. I would not have known where to start or what to write otherwise.
The year flew by, yet the miracles continue to unfold.
I am so thankful for my continued relationships with my miracle buddies and class facilitator, and for the many other gifts the TTC has brought into my life.
Just a lovely community filled with gentle students and teachers, helping one another to awaken.
Whether you’re new to A Course In Miracles or have been studying it for a while, there is no doubt in my mind that joining a TTC class will only help take you to Truth.
Looking forward to living the course more deeply and may like to join Total Transformation Course.I enjoyed Nouk and Coreen on study of Lesson 144 and 145. Thank you both xx