By Mary Short

At the beginning of June of this year, Lisa S. and I made a commitment to join every day, although it ends up being 5-7 times a week. We both had in mind to dig into ā€œhealingā€ and heard the recommendation to read Chapters 7,8, & 10 in the ACIM text. When we started, I admit my intention was for the physical healing for both of us in the dream. I never imagined nor expected to receive the extensive healing of my mind that is taking place since we started joining.

The Physical Healing

We had been joining and reading the Course for about 3 or 4 weeks when Lisa mentioned that the pain in her mythical body had stopped during the times that we were together! Especially since it had tended to appear during those times in the evening when we were joining. After we celebrated that, I realized that I had not awakened with a daily migraine in 3 weeks, nor had the thought of taking the daily high doses of Tylenol even occurred to me! It was like I had just forgotten. The story of mythical Mary had always been one of making sure I had tons of Tylenol with me wherever I went, and a strong belief that sugar, wine, and even the barometric pressure were the causes of the migraine. Sometime after this healing, I noticed that when I was not focused on Truth, or if I was slipping into ego and attack, the pain would start to return. As soon as I forgave myself, accepted the atonement and the unreality of it all, the pain went away. This happened several times, and when I asked the Holy Spirit about it, He said to pay attention to what I was focused on at all times. When I was focused on the Truth, there was no pain. If I was focused on ego thoughts and attack, the pain would begin.

I have also noticed that when I am focused on the Holy Instant and entering the true felt state, the illusion of pain will try to stab at me. Now I am able to immediately dismiss it and its unreality because I no longer fear pain, nor give it any attention. It is only an attempt to distract me off course and is also an indicator of my state of mind.

When the ego experiences threat, its only decision is whether to attack now or to withdraw to attack later. āµIf you accept its offer of grandiosity it will attack immediately. (ACIM, T-9.VIII.3:4-5)

The ego is immobilized in the presence of Godā€™s grandeur, because His grandeur establishes your freedom. Ā²Even the faintest hint of your reality literally drives the ego from your mind, because you will give up all investment in it. (ACIM, T-9.VIII.4:1-2)

The Holy Relationship and Oneness

At first, I was totally oblivious to the fact that Lisa and I are joined in a Holy Relationship, and now I can see clearly what a blessing it is that the Holy Spirit has put us together. Every day I am so thankful for Lisaā€™s commitment, not only to join consistently, but also for her commitment to live the 7 Keys. Her Willingness, Accountability, Emotional Transparency, Radical Self Honesty, Defenselessness, Trust and Gratitude has truly helped me to drop all the walls and take off the mask to join in undoing all blocks to love, as our true Self and Holiness is acknowledged. And when I share about an attack that Iā€™ve felt, Lisa gently reminds me that ā€œitā€™s a cry for Love, and to respond in Love.ā€ We laugh at the times we are thinking the same thing at the same time and look forward to finishing each otherā€™s sentences, LOL! As we heal, the importance of extending it all to our brothers goes deeper and deeper. It is becoming so real that we are One with Him and all the Sonship, and that indeed, we do have everything we need in God. I am eternally grateful to all!

Healing is a thought by which two minds perceive their oneness and become glad. Ā²This gladness calls to every part of the Sonship to rejoice with them, and lets God go out into them and through them. (ACIM, T-5.I.1:1-2)

This holy relationship has the power to heal all pain, regardless of its form. āµNeither you nor your brother alone can serve at all. ā¶Only in your joint will does healing lie. ā·For here your healing is, and here will you accept Atonement. āøAnd in your healing is the Sonship healed because your will and your brotherā€™s are joined. (ACIM, T-22.VI.4:4-8)