Portrait photo of Kathy

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always a ‘seeker’ on a spiritual path; often feeling separate and different from others – like an alien here – seeking an acceptance of myself in a world where the measuring stick is not only high but also unattainable based on worldly values and nothing permanent or lasting.

Truly, seeking a way to fit in, navigate this world, and ultimately, find peace, God, & Truth, like Helen Schumann & Bill Thetford, the scribes of ACIM, I always thought and asked, ‘There must be a better way.’

I found that better way about 30 years ago when looking in the “Self Help” section of Barnes & Noble as I constantly felt self-lack. I discovered a few live lectures on audio cassette by a very unknown Marianne Williamson at the time based on the Principles of ACIM.

Although the early ACIM teachings delivered through Marianne Williamsons’ books changed my life, progress was slow the first decade or more as I met up with much reluctance and resistance in starting/completing the reading of the ACIM workbook, text and other supplemental materials that make up A Course in Miracles.

I soon realized without a community of like-minded souls, I would not quickly or fully understand all Jesus was teaching in ACIM. Without a community (family) of support to assist me on my journey, reaching any understanding and ways of integrating its teachings, advances would be slow and limited.

I found Reverend Jennifer Hadley at just the right time in 2008 and began taking many of her offerings. Specifically, my yearlong Masterful Living Class in 2013 created a giant heart opening that led to a sizable shift in my understanding, and it afforded me several lifelong ‘Miracle Buddies’ that I still connect with nearly daily.

At this point in my life, willingness, curiosity, and desire were high, and the ‘Voice for God’ (Holy Spirit) led me to spiritual studies that included ACIM, Science of Mind, New Thought, The Work of Byron Katie, and more and I became a licensed Spiritual Counselor in 2019.

Despite all this spiritual training, I fell prey to the heavily conditioned self, believing the negative and attack thoughts/beliefs in my split mind. Beliefs of the ego thought system based on fear and guilt were real and formidable, yet I was still trying to navigate this earthly plane without the steady and consistent rudder of the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

This inner desperation and a deep longing to feel whole (Holy Innocent) and peaceful, along with supportive encouragement from two Miracle Buddies from 2013, led me to seek out Nouk Sanchez and her more profound teachings of ACIM with her books, and later the yearlong Total Transformation Course (TTC).

ACIM and the TTC journey helped me deepen my inner listening for Holy Spirit and gave me a reliable relationship with my guides (Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Angels) to access the ‘peace that surpasses ALL understanding’ that the Bible speaks of and that I had been seeking my entire nearly 60 years!

My relationship with Holy Spirit allows me to know ‘who/what I AM in Truth’ and will enable me to be, do, have, and give my heart’s desires while seemingly on this detour into fear and the dream of separation.

As a result of this unwavering peace, I am interested in helping my brothers & sisters in Christ to discover, hear, grow, and be guided with distinct clarity and ease through this one-year Total Transformation Course.

If you found your way to this offering and feel lost, alone, and unsure of how to navigate your way in this mortal hallucination, join us. If the Voice for God (Holy Spirit) seems distant and silent, please join us on this journey in a supportive, safe, and loving environment where you can expose, challenge, bring to doubt, and undo all the false beliefs that ‘seem’ to keep your True Nature at bay and dawning in your own mind.

TTC is a safe place for healing, community, unconditional love and undoing what never was.

Please join us on a safe journey to heal our minds, open our hearts wide open, find our inner Guide, and awaken together via Holy Relationship…

After all, the Course reminds us that “heaven is entered two by two”.

I graduated from ‘seeker’ status and am now a ‘revealer’ of Truth and Miracle Worker for God. Won’t you join us?!