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Live Daily Workboook Lesson Reflection Drop-In

January 1, 2022 @ 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM MST

Calling all Mighty Companions to Join!

Starting January 1, 2022 from 7:00 – 7:30 pm MST USA/Canada (2:00 am UTC)

Zoom room 236.211.2311

Passcode 339315

Link to zoom room:  https://zoom.us/j/2362112311?pwd=VmM1bDl4Tm9Ock1WVmVYOXZSbXc2UT09

As a result of the powerful joining and healing testimonies that we received from the daily workbook lessons on YouTube, we at Take Me to Truth are inspired to offer a daily place to drop in and discuss our experiences with the daily lesson and its application.

Let’s face it, we start off with great intentions in studying the daily lesson but the ego has us distracted by the afternoon! What if we had a place where we could drop in with mighty companions to revive, deepen and strengthen the ideas in the lesson?

We are opening our zoom room for anyone who feels like joining us in sharing insights, experiences, and testimonies or bringing questions to this open forum. No registration necessary. All are lovingly invited to participate.

“So let us not forget our goal is shared, for it is that remembrance which contains the memory of GOD, and points the way to Him and to the Heaven of His peace.” W-Final Lessons.In.4:2


January 1, 2022
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Class Category: