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Book Study – The Presence Process by Michael Brown

May 24, 2023 @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM MDT

The next round of the 10-week Experiential Journey with The Presence Process will begin on Wednesday July 12, 2023 from 9:00 – 10:30 AM MST

We will begin Week One on this date and meet every Wednesday as we journey through Part III (the experiential) of Michael Brown’s book The Presence Process.

Note – This group started reading The Presence Process together in February 2022. Recordings are available upon registration. We completed reading parts I and II and now meet to join in part III.

If you have been interested in joining now is your chance to read the first two parts of the book to be ready to jump in!!

Note – reading the whole book would be very supportive, though not necessary, to participate. We are reading from the revised edition

From Michael Brown’s The Presence Process

“If the Presence Process sets out to accomplish anything, it’s this: It facilitates us in rescuing ourselves from an endless unconscious array of doings, and in the same breath invites us to return to an awareness of what we already are.”

“I am very grateful for the wisdom in this Process. As I moved through this last round I came to really appreciate how it is undoing the Obstacles to Peace as well as piercing through the ring of fear, allowing for greater peace and authentic presence. Along with the perceptual tools, which are aligned with ACIM, it undoes the misperceptions of our past allowing for forgiveness and the release of the false identity and its stories. It increases the awareness of our reactive ego patterns and assists us in the ability to respond through presence. It leads to an ever deepening ability to take radical accountability for our unease and offers us a simple yet powerful procedure to face the uncomfortable and allow the Light of forgiveness to See, which heals. This Journey invites us to go beyond the mental conceptual thinking and fixing – as the doer- and offers us the understanding that comes from the heart of felt experience. I have found it awakens and cultivates our spiritual sense as the felt sense of shared Presence, Peace and Oneness. Here we begin to attune to and recognize we are Love’s Presence and invulnerable Being, not bodies, and are carried on Love’s wing.

If you feel pulled to join us, start reading and save the date! Lovingly, Nicola

Participant Testimonials

“Although I read the book The Presence Process many years ago, the experience I had reading it with the group and Nicola was so much deeper. This practice has had a profound effect on my life. So many of the blessings that Michael Brown talks about at the end of the book have come true for me. Most of all, a deeper sense of Peace of Mind and a true knowing of interconnectedness with others. Thank you to Nicola and to my group members for this

profound experience. And thank you Nicola for your commitment to the work and for sharing it so softly and yet so powerfully. We are blessed. I feel such great appreciation for all” ~ RW

” I have found the Presence Process to be one of the most beneficial tools that I have come across in helping me find the inner peace that has been missing for most of my life. I love the group that Nicola gently facilitates each week as it helps me to feel loved and supported in a non-judgmental family environment. I find the group sharing is so important as it helps keep me centred, and has made me realize we are all going through the same ‘dramas’ together – albeit in different ways! I have received so many wonderful insights through the sharing and they just keep evolving and deepening as the week’s progress. It is truly amazing!” ~ Pauline

“Starting the breathing exercises in the morning is like having breakfast with God” “Feels like my grievances are being repurposed”

“When I wake up during the night and am restless and can’t sleep, I do the process and it allows me to fall back to sleep every time”

“The Presence Process has become a life saver for me. I studied ACIM for many years and read many books but until I started breathing and stopped thinking, progress seemed to be slow. Now the Presence Process is beautifully integrated with ACIM and my everyday life. I feel very grateful for it”

To register click below:

Book Study – The Presence Process by Michael Brown

Take Me to Truth’s Class Fee Policy

Everything that Take Me to Truth offers is given freely to all. There is a practical need to cover our operating costs and each facilitator is deeply grateful for your symbols of gratitude for their time in assisting in the assimilation of these teachings.  We ask that if you are able, please make a donation commensurate to the blessing you feel you receive from your participation in them.  No one is turned away because of their inability to donate.

We welcome you to the TMTT family, whether you donate or not.

Please donate here, if you can.




May 24, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Class Category:


Nicola Povey