
A Course In Miracles
Meets Christian Science




5:00pm MST

23:00 UTC


Hello Everyone.

This is Coreen and I am enthusiastically announcing a new offering— an opportunity for A Course in Miracles students and Christian Scientists to go through the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. I feel uniquely qualified to facilitate this offering as a lifetime Christian Scientist as well as a devoted student and teacher of A Course in Miracles. I have found that these two texts beautifully compliment one another, each bringing to the other a fuller opportunity for understanding.

Having been raised in a family of Christian Scientists, relying on God for all our spiritual and physical needs was natural and normal. Early in my life I was taught in Sunday School that I am a spiritual idea in the Mind of God and, therefore, reflect or express all of God’s qualities. As I became a teenager I still had many unanswered questions about the world and what the point was of being here on earth in a body. It wasn’t until I began studying A Course in Miracles that the entire picture became clearer for me.

While participating in group discussions, I discovered that many Course students believed that healing the body was not to be expected and that Jesus’ teachings were metaphorical, not literal. I wanted to yell from the rooftops, “It’s true! Literal healing, even instantaneous healing is not only possible, but natural!” As I delved more deeply into the Course, I recognized that our relationships with our brothers are the key to awakening from the dream of separation. Many Christian Scientists, though, have a private walk with God and miss the pivotal teaching that in seeing our brother’s innocence we recognize our own.

I am overjoyed to bring this offering to our community as an opportunity to gather and read Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures with constant references back to A Course in Miracles. I anticipate some very thought-provoking and healing discussions as well as literal healings resulting from our reading. In fact, did you know the entire last chapter of Science and Health contains testimonies of healings from people who simply read the book? It’s true! I hope to see you there.

Facilitated By

Coreen Walson holding a lamb in her arms.


"Coreen, Thank you so much for this evening's class. I am finally feeling and receiving the message of starting from God first and beginning rightly. As I said in class, I am one of those who is beginning with the person and going outward. Coreen, I have intellectually understood the classes, and have had beautiful moments with God, but it's obvious to me that the spiritual sense, the true nature of God, and my relationship with him, wasn't dropping wholly within me. (1/3)"


"Coreen, I love the Truths, I know the Truths, I understand the Statement of Being, I love and understand Mrs. Eddy's spiritual interpretations of the Our Father verses. I affirm who and what I am all the time to stay present, but after tonight's class, I saw and heard myself especially after paragraphs 30 and 31, that I was not beginning rightly, I was beginning with the person. After seeing all of the above play out tonight, and hearing our brother, providing the expression, "It's not broken, there's nothing to fix", I know I will now begin rightly and only see myself from that one perspective of perfection, that one expression which I am always, infinitely, continuously, divinely, and most importantly One with my Father eternally. (2/3)"


"In last week's Bible lesson, there was a verse from S&H which I've held onto. I just thought it was beautiful and illuminating and I now know why it resonated with me, it goes: "Life, Truth, and Love are the realities of divine Science. They dawn in faith and glow full-orbed in spiritual understanding". Coreen, tonight is my dawn and I can't tell you how lit up I am. I feel so much happiness and joyfulness. Tonight's class brought me out of the human understanding mode and into the conscious state of knowing and spiritually understanding my Oneness with God and the Christ that I am always. Tearfully and gloriously happy. Thank you thank you thank you!! (3/3)"


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