The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #1 – Willingness
I am willing to have every mistaken belief and value undone by Spirit so I can know and accept my changeless innocence. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around WILLINGNESS
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #2 – Accountability
I accept that I am accountable for EVERYTHING that seems to happen to me. I cannot be attacked except by my own thoughts. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around ACCOUNTABILITY
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #3 – Defenselessness
If I defend myself I am attacked. I now remember that I am sustained exclusively by God’s Love. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around DEFENSELESSNESS
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #4 – Radical (Self-) Honesty
I value practicing self-honesty (without self-judgment) because this is how I relinquish my problems to Spirit in return for the miracle. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around RADICAL SELF-HONESTY
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #5 – Emotional Vulnerability
Unless I am willing to be emotionally vulnerable & transparent, I cannot RECEIVE the Love I long for. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #6 – Trust
As I align with all 7 Key Principles, I TRUST life. Spirit makes sure that all my needs are met. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around TRUST
The Seven Key-Principles by Nouk Sanchez & Daniel Boissevain
Principle #7 – Gratitude
Now…my priority is God. As I open to and EXPECT miracles, my gratitude just increases. Watch this video to gain a deeper understanding of the meanings around GRATITUDE
The End of Death – Carrie interviews Nouk
Carrie Triffet interviews Nouk about her forthcoming book The End of Death. Nouk tells us about her reasons for writing it and gives us an overview of what it’s all about.