
Lynne Martin

TTC Group Facilitator

Hello everyone.

After completing my 12 month TTC adventure I am deeply committed to sharing this experience with anyone who is willing to join with Holy Spirit in healing the one mind of God. If you have an inner urge to belong and participate in this journey then trust it and join.

My desire to feel better about myself started in my 20’s and only grew. I eagerly read all the Dialogue with Gods books ACIM, Marianne Williamson, Ken Wapnick, Gary Renard and finally Nouk Sanchez with her book called “The End of Death”.

I have had my share of failed relationships, immobilizing fear and a deep sense of unworthiness. I have experienced a lack of enthusiasm for life and have never been truly happy.

Why? Because I have looked outside myself for Love and happiness. I have relied on others to give me a sense of self. I have cast blame on others for all the negative emotions I have experienced.

The search is over. It has taken me many years to rest in the truth of who I Am. The Holy Child of God. God’s perfect extension. It does not have to take you this long. The TTC is a “magic carpet ride” home.

12 months of joining with your spiritual family, learning true radical forgiveness, the 7 Key Principles of a Holy Relationship, connecting with your sacred space and establishing a relationship with your miracle buddy who shares this journey with you. All that and weekly classes that offer teachings from ACIM , The End of Death and the latest insights from Nouk and Daniel.

When I look back over this past year I sit in amazement at the changes that have occurred. In the beginning I was afraid to speak up in class. I felt along in all the world with no friends. Mow I trust in my voice and share much more openly. I know I belong to a family of 25+ beautiful souls, and my miracle buddy who has seen me through some ups and downs.

I know how to truly forgive. Forgiveness, to me is the key to healing your mind. When you truly forgive yourself you enter into the holy instant and in that moment you know that there is no one and nothing to forgive.

How awesome is that?

Lots of love… Lynne