
More on the Real World

  Copyright 2015 Nouk Sanchez I’ve seen a lot of “A Course in Miracles” students (and some teachers) express their conflicting interpretations of the Real World. For me, I used to be the “metaphor” type, believing that the body/world were...

True Harmlessness – Healing All Life Forms

From The End of Death Series Copyright 2014 Nouk Sanchez It has been revealed to me that animals are a sacred part of our own creations. As such they are part of our one Holy Self here in the dream, as are all life forms. All that I perceive is in my own mind (not...

Clearing Confusion about True Healing

The body is literally a projected thought form, an “image”. It has no intelligence of its own other than what our mind tells it. The mind decides what it expects from the body and the body responds accordingly. The fearful ego expects punishment and...

A Pivotal Piece on True Healing

If you’re still somewhat confused about how the miracle works and how it’s healing transfers from mind to body or world, this excerpt is an exceptionally clear and powerful explanation. The miracle is not a “hit and miss” deal. If it appears that way, it’s the ego...

Are You Worthy of the Miracle?

True forgiveness asks that we look past the appearance of whatever form of suffering we may see or feel, and allow Spirit to reveal the Truth, the perfection behind what our body’s five senses informs us is reality. Jesus explains that forgiveness, when genuinely...

Is the Script already Written?

In A Course in Miracles circles we often hear people refer to the Course teaching that the script is already written. In the past I thought this meant that fate had been written and it didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do. However now I realize that it...