
An Insight into Overcoming the Body

I had asked Spirit for my trust to be deepened especially concerning the subject of the body as I know this is the last idol we willingly surrender to Spirit in its entirety. Jesus says that as our guilt is relinquished and the body is divinely re-purposed, the body’s...
What Can a Pill Do?

What Can a Pill Do?

I love breakthroughs. And one of these came about for me as a result of a physical challenge recently. I am well aware of the bad rap Jesus gives to “magic.” Although magic pills and potions (medicine both conventional and holistic) are not harmful in themselves He is...

A Little Bird with a Big Lesson

I want to share a recent lesson of mine. It came in an uncomfortable form but I feel that it has clarified and precipitated yet another level of trust for me. The moment I feel fear, pain or concern for myself or anyone else, I have abandoned my Holy Self where all...

Which Self are we Attempting to Improve?

I now see that when I listen to the inner critic I am always hearing the ego. But the real question is this: “Do I believe it?” If I believe what it tells me then I will abandon my Holy Self and scurry down the ego’s dark rabbit hole in order to try to fix or improve...

True Harmlessness – Healing All Life Forms

From The End of Death Series Copyright 2014 Nouk Sanchez It has been revealed to me that animals are a sacred part of our own creations. As such they are part of our one Holy Self here in the dream, as are all life forms. All that I perceive is in my own mind (not...

Are You Worthy of the Miracle?

True forgiveness asks that we look past the appearance of whatever form of suffering we may see or feel, and allow Spirit to reveal the Truth, the perfection behind what our body’s five senses informs us is reality. Jesus explains that forgiveness, when genuinely...