The End of Death, Volume 1; blog reference
The End of Death, Volume 1; copyright 2014
What is sin? In A Course in Miracles, Jesus refers to the word “sin” 354 times. So it must be an important word. Especially since the journey of Awakening from suffering is not about seeking Love, but more specifically, it requires the seeking out of all the blocks we have made, to the awareness of Love’s presence. And our un-relinquished belief in sin as being real, happens to be the root of all blocks to Love.

“Sin” is a word that has been used to abuse the human psyche for many centuries. For most, it almost carries within it a cellular memory. Through the Course, we learn that everything is purely a symbol and that through our interpretation, we give everything all the meaning it has for us. Of its own, it has no meaning apart from that which we give to it. Yet the word “sin” is one of those symbols that tends to ignite mass repulsion. Sin was always a difficult word for me, one that made my mind go numb instantly.

If all there is, is God’s all-encompassing Love with no opposite, then sin cannot exist. Only the ego believes in sin. After all, it has built its entire illusory empire on it. But sin is impossible. There are mistakes and errors, yes, however everyone of them can be gently healed by forgiveness. Let’s look at the meaning behind this label of “sin”…

  • There is no sin. There is mistaken perception only
  • Sin is the belief in attack as real
  • Sin is an un-relinquished belief in threat, attack or suffering, either in yourself, the body, another, the past, the future, the world or God. Which “self” are you? The ego or the Holy Self? If sin is the belief in attack, then which “self” do you defend from attack? This self (ego and body) must be who you think you are while you defend it independently, apart from Spirit.
  • Sin is an unforgiving thought or belief
  • Sin is the belief that there exists something opposite to God’s all-encompassing Love (that has no opposite!)
  • Sin is an illusory block against Love that we value. We must possess the idea of sin in order to separate ourselves from God, from others and from our true Identity, the Holy Self. If we dropped our belief in sin, we would know that we are God’s Self. The idea of sin (attack) is the biggest block to God’s Love
  • Sin is the idea of irrevocable error
  • Sin produces guilt and guilt produces fear. We believe in sin (attack); that either we can be attacked by others, the body through pain, sickness and aging, conflict, scarcity, loss and death, or that we can attack. Either way, we will acquire guilt. To take offense (attack) and to give offense are the same mistake; they both attract guilt and its subsequent unconscious desire for punishment as self-attack. Guilt always causes fear; the unconscious fear of punishment from God. Fear is the product of the idea that attack is real (sin). And all fear, regardless of the form it takes, is the “fear of God” which translates to the fear of our one Holy Self. Therefore, keeping the idea of sin inviolate, makes certain that we cannot know God’s Love.
  • Sin is the belief that illusions are not only real, but that they can defeat God’s Love
  • Sin is the belief that death is the certain outcome of life
  • Sin (attack) calls for defense. Defense makes sin real in the mind and rejects forgiveness. We cannot forgive that which we still believe is real
The End of Death; A Manual for Holy Relationship

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