While we attack our body with pain or sickness; our self or another with judgment; or indulge in depression, worry, anxiety or a host of other symptoms of ego insanity, we deny ourselves healing. Through attack, we teach ourselves we are not the Holy Self, but the ego. We can only cherish one devotion on our inner altar at any given time. When we perceive attack, this is the idol we place on our altar. When we release our perception of attack through forgiveness, Love is restored to its central place on our inner altar. We cannot keep both the perception of attack and Love together; the presence of one excludes the other.
When we believe in the ego’s appearances, we deny our Holy Self. And when we deny our Holy Self, we attack it. So whenever we perceive ourselves as unfairly treated, we are denying our True Self as God’s perfect Will. No matter who or what upsets us, we always attack our Self first! When we believe suffering is possible, we deny our Self as God created us. No perception of attack occurs without first attacking our Self. The invulnerable Holy Self is wholly incapable of attack, or even of perceiving attack. Only the ego perceives attack, and only the ego can appear to be hurt.
“All attack is Self attack. It cannot be anything else. Arising from your own decision not to be what you are, it is an attack on your identification. Attack is thus the way in which your identification is lost, because when you attack, you must have forgotten what you are. And if your reality is God’s, when you attack you are not remembering Him. This is not because He is gone, but because you are actively choosing not to remember Him.” T-10.II.5.
When we are upset, it is because we choose to be unfairly treated. It is a decision (conscious or not), and it occurs so quickly we think we did not make it. Therefore we believe it occurred independently of us.
If we truly set our one goal to be peace of mind, our peace could never be threatened again. Peace of mind is an internal decision, a disciplined commitment that every situation becomes a means to reach the goal of peace. Armed with the powerful tool of forgiveness, we can achieve this goal in every circumstance, provided we do not value a separate ego agenda instead of, or in addition to peace.
Peace arises from within and does not depend on anything external. Safety then, is the complete relinquishment of attack.
“If you realized the complete havoc this makes of your peace of mind you could not make such an insane decision. You make it only because you still believe it can get you something you want. It follows, then, that you want something other than peace of mind, but you have not considered what it must be. Yet the logical outcome of your decision is perfectly clear, if you will only look at it. By deciding against your reality, you have made yourself vigilant [against] God and His Kingdom. And it is this vigilance that makes you afraid to remember Him.” T-10.II.6.
It is this vigilance against God’s Love as our Holy Self that invites untold suffering. We prefer to suffer the consequences of rejecting Truth, rather than drop our defenses against it. When we perceive that we have been unfairly treated or victimized by anyone or anything, we choose to defend against Truth. And it is for precisely this that the power of the Atonement was given us. True correction of our perception offers us complete healing in any moment we choose differently. For the full forgiveness and Atonement process, click on this link.
Please visit our store for more information about my bestselling books, The End of Death (in English, Spanish, German), A Manual for Holy Relationship (in English, Spanish), and others:
Nouk, so clearly and elegantly written. It is our only responsibility to notice when we out of sorts. Take a few minutes to breath, ask Holy Spirit to heal our false perception, and heal into the miracle. So easy and yet the ego is so fast and tricky we feel trapped in the suffering. Until finally enough is enough! God’s Love is always right there Loving us into wholeness. Once we really become one in Love the ego looses its appeal. Thank you God.
I Love you Lynne! 🙂
Hello nouk
Thanks for this article, it is really timely because I bought into the egos agenda two days ago and thought I was attacked by my yoga teacher…..after some self inquiry and talk with some course,friends I realized I was,attacking myself because,I was in la la land for,a,few,minutes and had not being paying attention while the teacher,was,talking,to me…so again I don’t want to be a victim to my own unruly mind
Great Rick, it’s a decision for right-mindedness…and you did it!
Nouk 🙂
Yes, well written thanks Nouk. It’s the fear of God. It’s really hilarious when you look at it, to see the ego standing there shouting and screaming to avoid God and never go near Him and look away and be distracted, trying to protect and make out that God is some big scary monster, all the while God’s sitting there smiling and waving and radiating love. The ego sees with and through fear, projecting it onto God, and then within that fear bubble sees only the inner reflection of its own projection coming back to it (perception). It then takes that projected image of fear and says hey, I can actually see God right now and he looks scary as hell, all the while actually covering up God with this fear blanket. Fear is always an assertion of what the ego wants to be true. Fear is always a signpost pointing away from God’s love. Fear is always an effort to try to frame God as vicious and dreadful and unloving. Look with the ego and you see only what its projection shows you. Look outside the ego and see the ego being completely ridiculous, caught up in its own little world of insanity, reacting to its own hallucination, convinced it sees God as a deadly threat instead of actually seeing God. It doesn’t know what God is like at all. Listen within and look past the ego’s lies and let God tell you what God is like. Be open to His truth, to come from Him only and not from anywhere else. There is only one source, one origin, one home, and God is it.
Thanks Paul. You’re very clear on this too…so wonderful there are many now who are also realizing this and waking up.
Hugs and Love,
Nouk 🙂
Dear Nouk,
I love the clarity and beauty with which you write to help us all understand Jesus’ words. I would like your opinion on something to help me sort out some difficulties I experience with the traditional Catholic teaching of Mary, Mother of Jesus. I suffer guilt because I was raised to honor and pray to Mary, and yet I have never done that. This may sound silly, but I really need some help. Can you shed some light on this, Nouk? Something is telling me that Mary would have to be pure Love just like her son. Am I on the right track? Thank you!
Dear Denise,
Formal Christianity was not taught by enlightened beings. Most of it was interpreted through the spiritual ego’s of Church leaders over time since Jesus’ resurrection. Thus mainstream Christianity unfortunately, is steeped in guilt. If you feel any guilt at all, it is the ego (fear). And when we feel guilt (or any other form of suffering) and we believe it…we reject God’s Love and infinite guiltlessness. Only when we accept our guiltlessness (and that of others) can we truly Love God, and be an open recipient of His miracles. Guilt is the greatest block to the awareness of God’s Love and joy.
The Christ is within. The Christ is the one Holy Christ Self that we all share; the pure and innocent Holy Self beneath the false ego self. I talk about this in detail in The End of Death (out in feb). It doesn’t matter who we pray to. Mary, Jesus or any of the saints. What’s important is that we ask to see and to dwell in our complete guiltlessness.
Hope this helps!
Warmest Blessings,
Nouk 🙂
PS. Here is an excerpt that might be helpful: http://undoing-the-ego.org/noukblog/?p=387
Thank you so much, dear Nouk! Many nights I have dutifully tried to recite the rosary, as I was taught as a little girl … trying to remember the mysteries and trying not to fall asleep (FAIL, lol!). But it seemed like a rote experience and then the guilt set in. I have been following your and Tomas’ beautiful teachings for quite some time, so yesterday I was prompted by Spirit to finally come out of hiding, so to speak, and ask you to help me with this. You, of course, have shed a clear and perfect Light on my confusion. Thank you again, sweet Nouk. God truly works through you! With Love, Denise. 🙂