The End of Death, Volume 1; blog reference
The End of Death, Volume 1; copyright 2014

This is PART II. Please make sure to read PART I first!

Undoing the Split Between Cause and Effect ~ Miraculous Healing

As Jesus said, undoing the ego thought system requires nothing less than the reversal of the thinking of the world. Before true healing of the cause of any seeming problem is effected, the nucleus which is always in the mind, must first be seen and then released (forgiven). When we mindlessly accept the ego’s belief that the cause of suffering is outside us; then we not only make the threat and the body real in our experience, but we also reject the miracle. We deny healing by separating the symptom (effect) from its real cause in the mind. While we still believe the cause of any form of suffering is outside us, then we reject undoing the ‘one’ cause of all suffering; our unconscious guilt.

To give you an example from my own life, I suffered for many years with a gut condition that landed me in the emergency room on two occasions. For more than twenty years I had placed the cause of my sickness outside in the body and the world, instead of seeing the cause in my mind. And all the while I was trying to forgive it however nothing really changed. I had no idea that by seeing the cause as being outside, this was separating the symptom (effect) from its true cause and denying the miracle. No miracle can occur when I place the cause of my suffering as outside in the body, the world or in the past.

“The miracle is possible when cause and consequence are brought together, not kept separate.” T-26.VII.14:1 “Cause and effect are one, not separate.” T-26.VII.13:1

I had attributed the ‘worldly’ cause of sickness as outside…being lactose and gluten as the main culprits. The predominant magical remedy was to sacrifice, which is typical of the ego’s supply of insane solutions to problems that only it projects. So listening to ego and not to Spirit, I spent almost a third of my life abstaining from my favorite foods like ice-cream, yogurt, cheese and wheat. And I believed that I would need to take high dose pro-biotics for the rest of my life. While the ego’s remedies seemed to ease the symptoms, it was inconsistent and there were frequent relapses when I forgot my magical remedies.

As my trust in ego was transferred to Spirit within, I recognized what Jesus meant by the importance of placing cause and effect in their proper order. And once my trust in God’s Love became more solid, so did my ability to sense Spirit’s guidance. I identified many areas that were troubling me with my health and decided to offer my judgments entirely over to Spirit.

One of these areas of healing was the one I mentioned above. Once I really dredged up all my fears, about the sickness and the medication, etc., I then gave them wholeheartedly to Spirit and accepted Atonement. I released the outcome and just trusted implicitly that healing of the cause in my mind was complete. I just ‘knew’ that the symptoms (effects) would eventually come into alignment with their healed cause. 

During this time I received the truly miraculous guidance to keep taking all my supplements but to make sure I took them mindfully with Spirit. That meant recognizing and suspending my own self judgments. And when they did come up, I would hand these over to Spirit as well. The result was a lessening of concern about my health and a great relief to know I had completely given the issue over to Spirit.

No longer was the body my own independent responsibility…I had a greater Power within that would take care of it as long as I devoted the body’s purpose to Spirit. What a tremendous relief to offload such a mammoth burden as the body’s state of health! My part of the bargain now, was to trust in Spirit’s immaculate consistency in healing. Infinite patience yields immediate results; a paradox indeed! I was also told that turning the body over to Spirit’s purpose would ensure that the body would not betray me. And I have since learned it to be true.

One morning just prior to my leaving home to co-facilitate a Retreat, I went to swallow my pro-biotics and felt a strong urge from Spirit, to put them aside. The ego responded initially with fear, and concerns about a relapse whilst on Retreat were at the fore. But dropping deeply into my heart at that moment, I listened and heard that it was time to release this particular form of magic.

It has been 11 months since that day, and I have not had a relapse. In addition, my health is better now than it was while I previously abstained from my favorite foods and took supplements. Plus, for the first time in decades, I am able to eat what I love, without sacrifice, symptoms or any shred of guilt. I eat mindfully now… with Love, and not with guilt. And because of this, what I eat never betrays me.

I am learning that food is neutral. Like the body, it has no ability to make me sick or well, fat or thin. The body and the world have no power. My mind is at the seat of all that I call into my experience. And it attracts either fear or Love depending upon which messenger I place my belief with.

Unlearning our ego beliefs means that in any one instant, we must drop into our heart and rest in there as we go about listening to Spirit. This is not an intellectual pursuit. It asks us to be very present and to drop from the head into the heart. The heart is where we will ‘feel’ Spirit’s direction.

Prayer for Healing Perception of Sickness and Magic


Here is a prayer that I use for healing, feel free to adapt it to your needs:

“While I’m scared of this sickness (pain, scarcity, etc), and my faith in this medicine (or magic) is temporarily stronger than my faith in God’s Love…I surrender all of it to you Spirit. And I ask that you take my perception and heal it. I also trust that once the cause in my mind is healed, so must healing transfer to its effects (symptoms). I open my heart in this instant to receive your healing by accepting the miracle, the Atonement that heals all. I also surrender the timing of the miracle. Amen”

Do You Believe the Body is Your Identity? Self Inquiry Exercise


Following are some questions that may help to reveal if your belief in the body and the world is still strong. When you are ready, you can offer each of these beliefs to Spirit and ask to have them healed.

When reviewing the following questions please answer with radical self honesty. Rather than answer intellectually, try dropping into your heart and allow your beliefs to be raised to the light of conscious awareness. Here…they can be seen, and then forgiven:

  •                 Where in your own life do you believe the cause of sickness, scarcity, conflict or suffering is outside in the body, in others, in the past or in the world? Take time to write these beliefs down.

  •                 Are sickness and pain seen as legitimate and inevitable experiences here in the world?

  •                  Which do you believe is the greater error, to be the victim of attack or to be the perpetrator of attack?

  •                  Do you believe that physical death is not only a legitimate part of life…but is inevitable? In other words, do you believe that life always ends in death?

  •              Do you believe that the body sustains your life here in the world?

  •            Do you believe in the ego’s laws of scarcity, attack and loss? And do you see yourself as largely hostage to these laws?

  •                Do you often make decisions and plans independently of Spirit?

  •            Do you attempt to protect yourself, your life or loved ones independently of Spirit?

  •                  Do you believe some foods are good while others are bad for you?

  •                 Do you believe that food increases weight while dieting sheds weight?

  •                 Do you believe that cancer (or sickness) is caused by external influences, like diet, heredity, lifestyle, smoking, etc?

  •                Do you place your faith in the world’s laws of economics, rather than in Spirit’s Law of endless Supply (abundance)?

  •                 Do you believe the laws of nature are immutable?

  •                  Do you believe that your body will eventually age and deteriorate?

  •                  Do you believe that sacrifice or struggle is legitimate in order to be happy, loved, healthy and abundant?

  •                  Do you believe you need to earn your right to be Loved and worthy?

  •                Do you believe that death offers some advantage that life does not, such as escape from the body, the end of ego, the end of conflict, arrival into a state of peace, rest, reunion with God or loved ones, or a state of completion, etc?


If you answered yes to most of these questions, then your belief in the ego’s world along with its laws is strong. What you believe… is what you unconsciously expect. Because your will is as powerful as God’s, your expectations must materialize. Much of our “will” is unconscious until we bring it to the light of Spirit to be forgiven and transformed.

While we believe that we are independently responsible for the body and our world, apart from Spirit, not only do we reinforce that the body and world are real, but we abdicate our Holiness. This is the Holiness that reverses all the laws of the world. What really sustains us? Is it the body and world? Or is it God’s Love. We cannot know and trust in God’s Love to sustain us while we continue to run our lives apart from Spirit. In doing so we mistakenly deem that the body and world are the “source” of our life, of our existence.

While all these mistaken beliefs are not bad in themselves, keeping them apart from reinterpretation by Spirit while we independently try to sustain and protect our lives, ensures that our unconscious guilt remains intact. Following are some very commanding quotes from Jesus. He teaches us that we are sustained by the Love of God and that we are under no laws but God’s.

“I am sustained by the love of God.” “Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time. In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, “protective” clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the “right” people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers…” ” All these things are your replacements for the Love of God.” W-50.1,2:1         

“The seeming cost of accepting today’s idea is this: It means that nothing outside yourself can save you; nothing outside yourself can give you peace. But it also means that nothing outside yourself can hurt you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way. Today’s idea places you in charge of the universe, where you belong because of what you are.” W-70.2:1-3

“I am under no laws but Gods.” “Think of the freedom in the recognition that you are not bound by all the strange and twisted laws you have set up to save you. You really think that you would starve unless you have stacks of green paper strips and piles of metal discs. You really think a small round pellet or some fluid pushed into your veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death. You really think you are alone unless another body is with you.” A Course in Miracles, W-76.3.

“It is insanity that thinks these things. You call them laws, and put them under different names in a long catalogue of rituals that have no use and serve no purpose. You think you must obey the “laws” of medicine, of economics and of health. Protect the body, and you will be saved.” W-76.4.

“These are not laws, but madness. The body is endangered by the mind that hurts itself. The body suffers just in order that the mind will fail to see it is the victim of itself. The body’s suffering is a mask the mind holds up to hide what really suffers. It would not understand it is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die. It is from this your “laws” would save the body. It is for this you think you are a body.” W-76.5.

“There are no laws except the laws of God. This needs repeating, over and over, until you realize it applies to everything that you have made in opposition to God’s Will. Your magic has no meaning. What it is meant to save does not exist. Only what it is meant to hide will save you.” W-76.6.

“We will begin the longer practice periods today with a short review of the different kinds of “laws” we have believed we must obey. These would include, for example, the “laws” of nutrition, of immunization, of medication, and of the body’s protection in innumerable ways. Think further; you believe in the “laws” of friendship, of “good” relationships and reciprocity. Perhaps you even think that there are laws which set forth what is God’s and what is yours. Many “religions” have been based on this. They would not save but damn in Heaven’s name. Yet they are no more strange than other “laws” you hold must be obeyed to make you safe…” ” There are no laws but God’s. Dismiss all foolish magical beliefs today, and hold your mind in silent readiness to hear the Voice that speaks the truth to you.” W-76.8,9:1-3


Prayer to Release Beliefs in the Body and the World


If you truly wish to release these blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence and free yourself from these ego beliefs and values, then perhaps you will go within and ask Spirit which of these limiting beliefs in the body and world you would like to release for healing. Here is a short prayer:

“While I now recognize that my faith in this body and world’s laws is temporarily stronger than my faith in God’s Love…I surrender my beliefs in___________________________to you, Spirit. And I ask that you take my perception and heal it. I also trust that once the cause of suffering in my mind is healed, so must healing transfer to its effects (symptoms). I open my heart in this instant to receive your healing by accepting the miracle, the Atonement that heals all. I also surrender the timing of the miracle. Amen.”

Healing involves choosing to be mindfully aware of how the ego uses the body and the world to bolster its autonomous dictatorship. We look with Spirit and we watch without judgment or self judgment. And we turn each and every one of these blocks over to Spirit, asking for our perception of the body and the world to be divinely reinterpreted. This… is true forgiveness.

As Jesus tells us in the Course, God’s teachers need a body through which to communicate His message. While the world is still terrified of Love, fear prevents it from direct communication with Spirit. The ego thought system is the love of fear, and the fear of Love. Yet the body is extremely valuable for Spirit because it is the perfect medium for conveying the message of Truth, especially when there is still such a degree of fear.

“Only very few can hear God’s Voice at all, and even they cannot communicate His messages directly through the Spirit which gave them. They need a medium through which communication becomes possible to those who do not realize that they are spirit. A body they can see. A voice they understand and listen to, without the fear that truth would encounter in them. Do not forget that truth can come only where it is welcomed without fear. So do God’s teachers need a body, for their unity could not be recognized directly.” M-12.3:3-8

“The teachers of God appear to share the illusion of separation, but because of what they use the body for, they do not believe in the illusion despite appearances.” M-12.4:6

“The central lesson is always this; that what you use the body for it will become to you. Use it for sin or for attack, which is the same as sin, and you will see it as sinful. Because it is sinful it is weak, and being weak, it suffers and it dies. Use it to bring the Word of God to those who have it not, and the body becomes holy. Because it is holy it cannot be sick, nor can it die. When its usefulness is done it is laid by, and that is all.” M-12.5:1-6

The End of Death; A Manual for Holy Relationship

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